My Simple Tips for Bloggers Who Don’t Have a Lot of Time to Work on Their Blog

My Simple Tips for Bloggers Who Don’t Have a Lot of Time to Work on Their Blog

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As a beginner blogger, you might be frustrated with yourself because you simply can’t find the time to write blog posts, get your website off the ground, write emails, create pins and all these other tasks. 

While I do think that all of these blogging tasks are important to do on a timely and weekly basis, I also want you to understand that not every new blogger starts blogging like their on fire.

I know you see a lot of expert bloggers pushing out content on a regular basis and it seems like TONS of content just pours out of them magically….

But what you don’t see is the TONS of YEARS spent practicing and miserably failing with their blog time management. 

Girl, if I can tell you one thing…blogging is a mindset game. 

Do you know how hard it is to master time management, systems, and organization in your blogging business?

Well actually, VERY HARD. 

It took me years to come up with a blogging routine and system that actually worked for me. 

I tried the Trello boards, the Asana set ups, the content calendars, the ClickUp set ups….

And what ended up working for me in the beginning?? 

Read this entire blog post and I’ll tell you!! 

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How to Blog When You Don’t Have a lot of Time

1- Theme Days

Theme days are the number one thing that actually worked for me in the beginning. 

But what are theme days? 

Basically you pick a day each week to do one or two tasks. 


Monday: Pinterest day 

-create pins, schedule to tailwind for the entire week 

Tuesday: email list and social media day 

-write a weekly email to your list, write a weekly love note to your members, come up with new freebie ideas 

-write new Instagram posts (I do this once a month)

Wednesday: Client Day

-do all blog coaching calls, strategy sessions, and web design client work 

Thursday: Blog Day 

-write a new blog post, edit and update past blog posts, come up with new blog post ideas 

Friday: Creation Day

-work on sales funnels, tweaking sales funnels, create freebies, create social media graphics, create membership content, or course content. 

Each day takes me about 30 mins to an hour to do everything I have scheduled for myself. The longest day is blog post day which usually takes me around 2 hours, sometimes wayyy less if I have it outlined. 

So boss lady, you do NOT need to spend hours and hours a day on your blog if you don’t have the time to do it. 

2- Have a list of blog post ideas AND outline them ahead of time

My most favorite way to save a TON of time on writing blog content is to have my content already outlined for the entire month. 

I tend to write 4 blog posts a month which is about 1 published a week. 

At the beginning of each month, I sit down to come up with a list of blog post ideas and then I choose the best ones to be officially published to my site. 

After coming up with the 4 blog posts for the month, I then do the entire keyword research for the post. 

I then outline by writing headlines, billet points and making any notes on what I want to say in the blog post. 

I also create all of the images for each post and write down any links that I want to add in the post.

This allows me to not only be super intentional about creating the best content that my audience needs and wants, but it also saves me HOURS putting an entire blog post together each week. 

Before I would spend about 2 hours doing SEO research, writing the post, formatting the post, creating images and pin images, and perfecting the blog post before publishing. 

Now that I use this simple hack, it usually takes me about 30 mins to write and put an entire blog post together. 

I highly recommend you try this method if you struggle to find the time to work on your blog. 

Inside of the Blogging Ladies Membership, I have a masterclass that covers this whole entire process of blog content creation including 20+ ClickUp templates to choose from. You can join for just $27 a month here. 

3- Repurpose Content to Save Time

I know it seems like content creation every week can be A LOT of work for a blog and business. 

However, if you use ONE pillar piece of content each week and repurpose that on several platforms, you then can save buttloads of time. 

Okay, Gen, but what’s a pillar piece of content? 

So each week you have…

  • A blog post to write 
  • Email to write to your list
  • 3 social media posts 
  • A podcast episode 
  • And whatever other content creation you create on a weekly basis 

Your ONE pillar piece of content is your blog post.

This is BRAND NEW content that you create each week. 

Then you can repurpose this blog post over several platforms.

Send your email list an email announcing your new blog post or send them content that you have written that is already within your blog post. Copy paste. Wala!

You can also do the same with social media. Write a post announcing your new blog post, then copy paste some content you have within the blog post. 

And creating podcast episodes now becomes SO easy! Simply record yourself reading your blog post and publish it as a podcast episode! 

Truth is, you don’t need to create several pieces of NEW content each week when you already have your pillar content done! 

Just repurpose, save time, and drive the traffic back to your blog post! 

Within your blog post, make sure you have freebies and links to products so people will purchase. 

Repurposing your content will save you a ton of time. 

4- wait for the passion to write and then BULK!!

Losing passion to create blog posts on a weekly basis affects all of us bloggers at some point, my friend.

So my simple trick for this?

Wait for the passion to write. 

I know you get these BURSTS of motivation to work on your blog sometimes. 

Use that energy to focus on writing new content for your blog. 

But not only ONE blog post, use this energy to create SEVERAL blog posts! 

When you have all this passion and energy to work on it, that’s when the BEST content comes out of you. 

So why not spend that time to create SEVERAL best contents? 

Flow it all out of you on a google doc, and then head back and edit it later. 

And when you take the time to sit down and write 4 blog posts in just one day… you save a ton of time every week trying to write them when you’re the least motivated to do it. 

5- Invite Guest Bloggers

Wanna know how to push out the most content with the least amount of hustle? 

Guest bloggers! 

This is also another super great way to grow your blogging business without ever having to hustle your butt off pushing out weekly content. 

All you have to do is write an email to a fellow blogger that has the same niche as you and simply ask them if they want to guest post on your blog. 

This not only helps you save time but it also helps you both by growing your audiences together. 

Her followers will follow you. Your followers will follow her. 

It’s a win win! 

6- hire it out!

Don’t have a whole lot of time to work on your blog? There’s tons of help available for you. 

There’s virtual assistants who will engage on social media for you, schedule blog posts, send out emails for you, create social media graphics, and tons of other timely tasks that you don’t have time for. 

There’s also blog content writers who will literally write blog posts for you on a weekly basis. 

Just please be careful when you hire someone to write blog posts for you. In the recent past I had hired someone to write some content for me that was completely copied from another bloggers site. It was an awful experience and an experience I don’t want you to go through. 

With that being said, I do still think hiring a blog content writer is highly beneficial when you don’t have the time to work on your blog. But do be careful to hire the right person is all I’m saying. 

You can also hire a Pinterest manager, copy writer, email list strategist and so many other service providers that are there to help you save time and grow your blog for you. 

In conclusion

You don’t need to spend buttloads of time working on your blog. 

Spend atleast 30 minutes of your time a day and you should still be able to grow your blog. 

Just make sure that the tasks you spend on it are tasks that move the needle forward in your blogging business. 

Did you find these tips helpful? Comment below your favorite tip! 

Oh and don’t forget to sign up to the free masterclass below! 

6 Figure Blogger Secrets Free Masterclass
Learn how to start and grow your blog to 6 figures. I’m sharing my EXACT blog monetization strategy. Sign up below!
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Hey, I'm Genasys!

Blogging coach for ladies who want to turn their blog from passion to profits and make a high income doing what they love.

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