Creating a blog schedule is essential for maintaining consistency and engaging your audience. As a blogger, it’s important to plan and organize your content to keep your readers coming back for more. In this article, I will share some tips on how to create a blog schedule that works for you.
Before we begin, I wanted to empathize with you first. Creating a blogging schedule is one thing, but actually being able to stick to it, is another.
We all have busy lives and we choose to list our priorities in a certain way. I’m a stay at home mom so I know what it’s like to not have a whole lot of time on your hands. I cook, I clean, and I take care of my baby 24-7. His daddy is a truck driver (a young and hot one haha) and he’s gone most of the time lately.
I am thankful my mom takes the baby 2 times per week so I can do my coaching calls and work in a more focused manner. So if you can imagine how organized I really need to be with my blogging schedule.
I always get asked every week it seems like, “Gen, how do you do it all and be a mom?” I have coaching calls, client website design projects, blog content to write, podcast episodes to publish, masterclasses to create, emails to write, content to repurpose, there’s so many tasks to do within a week.
Lets break it down for you in a simplified way but first…
If you’re serious about creating a successful blog, then you need to have a solid plan in place. One of the most important aspects of that plan is a blog schedule. A blog schedule will help you stay organized and on track with your content creation.
To make things even easier for you, I’ve created a blog schedule template that you can download and use for free.
This template is a simple Clickup list that will help you map out your editorial calendar. I will also show you in ClickUp how to plan out your theme days.
The blog schedule template includes columns for the blog post title, due date, publish date, and status. You can also add additional columns for things like keywords, categories, and tags.
It also includes a video tutorial of how to implement your template and how to use it to the best of your ability.
Using the blog schedule template will help you stay organized and ensure that you’re consistently publishing high-quality content.
It will also help you identify any gaps in your content and make sure that you’re covering all the topics that are important to your audience.
So, if you’re ready to take your blog to the next level, then download the blog schedule template today and start planning your content like a pro!
Now let’s learn how to create a blog schedule ….
As a blogger, it can be challenging to consistently create high-quality content. That’s where a blogging schedule comes in handy. By creating a schedule, you can plan out your content in advance, ensuring that you have a steady stream of posts going up on your blog.
There are several benefits to creating a blogging schedule. First and foremost, it helps you stay organized. With a schedule in place, you’ll know exactly what you need to be working on each day. This can help reduce stress and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.
Gave you been scatterbrained not knowing the steps to take when managing your blog, writing your content, doing SEO, and ALL the tasks needed to make it successful? This is why you need a blogging schedule.
The only way I have gotten results and built this Boss Lady Bloggers business to 6 figures per year is because when I sit at my desk everyday, I log into my ClickUp and know the exact tasks to work on each week.
Another benefit of a blogging schedule is that it can help you stay on track with your goals. By setting specific deadlines for yourself, you’ll be able to hold yourself accountable and ensure that you’re making progress towards your objectives.
In addition to being beneficial for you as a blogger, a schedule can also be helpful for your readers. When you have a consistent posting schedule, your readers will know when to expect new content from you. This can help build trust and establish a loyal following.
Overall, creating a blogging schedule is a smart move for any blogger who wants to be more productive and efficient. By taking the time to plan out your content in advance, you’ll be able to stay on track with your goals and provide your readers with consistent, high-quality content.
If you want more on how to use ClickUp for your blog, I invite you to join The Blogging Ladies Membership. Inside I have a whole course designated to organizing your blog so that you can be your most productive and get real results that you desire like monetization, traffic, email subs, etc.
You get 5+ blogging courses, monthly educational bundles with masterclasses, templates and eBooks, and weekly group blog coaching calls with me!
Do I need to say more? Learn more about it here.
As a blogger, it’s important to understand the difference between a blog post schedule and a blogging schedule. While they may sound similar, they are actually two different things.
A blog post schedule refers to the frequency at which you publish new blog posts. This could be daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
It’s important to establish a consistent publishing schedule so that your readers know when to expect new content from you. This can help to build trust and credibility with your audience.
On the other hand, a blogging schedule is more comprehensive. It includes not only your publishing schedule, but also your content creation process, social media promotion, and any other tasks related to your blog.
A blogging schedule can help you stay an organized business as a whole and ensure that you are consistently creating high-quality content.
To create a blogging schedule, start by outlining all of the tasks that are involved in running your blog. This could include researching and writing blog posts, creating graphics, promoting your content on social media, responding to comments, and more.
Once you have a clear picture of everything that needs to be done, you can start to assign tasks to specific days or times.
One way to stay organized is to use a project management tool like ClickUp or Notion. These tools allow you to create boards or lists for each task and assign due dates and team members.
In summary, while a blog post schedule and a blogging schedule may sound similar, they are actually two different things.
A blog post schedule refers to the frequency at which you publish new blog posts, while a blogging schedule is a comprehensive plan that includes all of the tasks related to running your blog.
By creating a blogging schedule, you can stay organized and ensure that you are consistently creating high-quality content.
Want video tutorials on how to create an awesome blogging schedule? Join the Blogging Ladies Membership for $27/month here and get access to my Blog Organization Lab course.
Creating a blog schedule is essential for any blogger who wants to grow their blog and maintain consistency. In this section, I will guide you through the process of creating a blog schedule that works for YOU and the lifestyle you currently have.
The first step in creating a blog schedule is to define your blogging goals. What do you want to achieve with your blog? Do you want to increase traffic, gain more subscribers, or make money?
Once you have defined your goals, you can create a schedule that helps you reach them.
Heres an example of my blogging goals:
In order for me to reach those here are some tasks that I know I need to do on a regular basis.
All with call to actions to work with me, join membership, etc.
My main goal is to make money with my blog and to help as many lady bloggers as possible start profitable ones. My tasks really align with that.
Blogging requires daily tasks that are non-negotiable. These tasks include writing blog posts daily (yes daily instead of trying to write it all in ONE day), creating and publishing Pinterest pins, engaging on social media, dropping links in FB groups, managing my clients, and promoting your blog on social media.
These tasks should be included in your daily schedule to ensure that you are consistently creating content and engaging with your audience.
Here’s an example list of my daily non-negotiable tasks for the Boss Lady Bloggers business:
In addition to daily tasks, there are weekly tasks that are non-negotiable for bloggers. These tasks include planning and scheduling blog posts, creating images and graphics, writing Instagram posts, creating reels, working on client projects, client calls, writing an email newsletter, and analyzing your blog’s performance.
These tasks should be included in your weekly schedule to ensure that you are staying organized and on track.
Heres an example list of all of my weekly non-negotiables.
Using theme days can help you stay organized and focused on a specific overall task. For example, Mondays are for client management. Tuesdays are for blog post writing. Wednesdays are for social media content like Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Thursdays are for email newsletters. And Fridays are for creation days like freebies, or anything your heart desires.
I found that theme days are the best way to stay super focused on one overall themed task per day instead of being scatterbrained trying to get ALL tasks done each day.
Here are my theme days as an example:
In conclusion, creating a blog schedule is crucial for any blogger who wants to grow their blog and maintain consistency.
By defining your goals, knowing your daily and weekly non-negotiable tasks, and using theme days, you can create a schedule that works for you and helps you achieve your blogging goals.
Creating a blog post schedule is essential to the success of your blog. It helps you stay organized and consistent with your content creation.
Remember, a blog post schedule and blogging schedule are 2 different things. See above to learn how to create a blog schedule.
Here are some tips to help you create a blog post schedule that works for you:
The first step in creating a blog post schedule is to identify your target audience.
The main questions you need to ask is:
Understanding your audience will help you create content that resonates with them.
This is the absolute most important step if you want to create blog content that truly helps, resonates, and builds a loyal following.
You need to regularly do market research on your target audience to understand what they are currently struggling with.
No, not just ASSUME that you know their pain points and overall goals but actual research so you KNOW them on a deeper level.
The biggest mistake I see new bloggers make is assuming they know their target audience because they have had the pain points and lived that struggle themselves and reached the ultimate goal.
But just because you lived it, doesn’t mean your target audience views it in the same perspective. Its your job to do the work and go out there to learn those other perspectives and struggles.
For example: I THINK my blog audience is struggling with their blog niche but when I go and survey them about what they struggle with, this topic never surfaces.
What does surface? Making money and growing traffic.
So how do you conduct market research? By going out there and TALKING to your potential audience. Find them and build a genuine relationship with them. Once that relationship is built simply ask what they struggle with.
Because my audience is built, I send out regular surveys to my email list to understand their pain points, goals, likes and dislikes, and what they need as far as content, courses, resources, etc.
You have an overall niche like blogging for example.
My greatest trick for helping you to create awesome content within your niche is to create 5 content themes/buckets and break them down.
For example: My blogging niche is blogging.
I break it into 5 content buckets:
My content buckets are essentially steps that someone goes through when starting a blogging business.
Your content buckets could be steps to help them reach their goal or it could be just related topics you have an interest in. Just note that all buckets should be related to the overall blog niche.
ACTION STEP: Decide on your 5 content buckets.
Keyword research is an important part of creating a blog post schedule. It helps you identify the topics that your audience is searching for and the keywords they are using.
This information can help you create content that is optimized for search engines and drives traffic to your blog.
I like to use Ubbersuggest to conduct keyword research since they have my absolute favorite new tool called “Labs”.
Within the “Labs” feature they have a keywords generator. This tool will help you to generate 1000+ keywords that you can use to rank in Google.
Here are the steps:
When you generate the keywords you will be able to copy and paste all of the keywords and put them into a Google doc sheet.
They are usually categorized by all of the related keywords as well. Which is highly needed when writing content that ranks.
So now you have a list of awesome keywords, now what?
You want to select 12 overall MAIN keywords that fit into your content buckets.
A main keyword example: start a blog
Then you want to add all related keywords you find in your sheet.
Example of related keywords to start a blog: Starting a blog, how to start a blog, start blog, start a profitable blog, starts a blog
Why do you need related keywords? Because you not only want to use the main keyword throughout your blog post, but you also want to use all the related keywords, too.
A blog content calendar is a schedule that outlines the topics you will cover and when you will publish them.
It helps you plan your content in advance and ensures that you have a steady stream of content for your audience.
You can use a ClickUp template to create a blog post schedule, you could also use a simple Google Doc Sheet but I think that’s too complicated.
I like to use ClickUp for my content calendar because I can keep all of my platforms on one list and then when I click to open the blog post title, I also can attach a document and can write my blog post right there in the task.
This helps me to stay focus and really streamline my blog post creation process. If I wasn’t this organized, I know my blog wouldn’t be as successful.
To create a blog post schedule:
Note: Your content calendar is flexible. It’s not set in stone. If you don’t feel like writing that blog post one day, and have more interest in writing a different one, then change it.
But never ever write a blog post that you are not super inspired to write. It will truly show within your writing and it won’t flow as good as if you wrote with extreme passion, like I have for this blog post.
The frequency of your blog posts depends on your goals and your audience’s expectations. Some bloggers post daily, while others post weekly or monthly.
It’s important to find a frequency that works for you and your audience. Consistency is key, so make sure you stick to your schedule.
I’m annoyingly always asked the question, “How many blog posts should you publish each month?”
Let me be blunt with my answer:
Write however much you want AS LONG AS the blog post is 2000+ words, is properly optimized for SEO, is actually HELPFUL to your blog readers (aka solves pain points and helps them accomplish something).
I always say…
Success in blogging isn’t measured by the quantity of posts, but by the quality of content that resonates with your audience. Focus on crafting insightful and valuable articles to achieve your SEO and traffic goals.
If you want a simple answer:
Write one really amazing blog post for week if your goal is to rank in Google and build your blog traffic.
Sometimes my goal has been to focus my efforts on my podcast or my Instagram or some other aspect of my business so my content has been out on the side.
However, my goal in 2024 is to really build my SEO and blog traffic. So writing super in depth, helpful, and 2000+ word SEO optimized articles is an absolute MUST for me.
If you cannot write a really good blog post a week because of time constraints, write bi-weekly or as often as you possibly and realistically can without sacrificing the quality of the blog post.
Creating a blogging workflow can help you streamline your content creation process. It includes all the steps involved in creating a blog post, from research to promotion.
Having a clear workflow can help you save time and produce high-quality content. If I didn’t follow a blog post workflow, I would take days and days writing a post, and I would definitely forget all of the most important steps to SEO optimization.
Repurposing blog posts is a great way to get more mileage out of your content.
You can turn a blog post into a video, a podcast, an infographic, or a social media post.
Repurposing your content can help you reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your blog.
Instead of just writing a blog post how about:
You don’t have to always create new content for each platform.
Take your pillar piece of content – Blog Post and repurpose this each week to your other platforms with call to actions to read the entire blog post.
In conclusion, creating a blog post schedule is essential to the success of your blog.
By identifying your target audience, doing keyword research, creating a blog content calendar, determining the frequency of posting, creating a blogging workflow, and repurposing blog posts, you can create a schedule that works for you and your audience.
Creating a blogging schedule is a crucial aspect of running a successful blog. In addition to the tips mentioned earlier, there are a few more things to keep in mind when creating a blogging schedule.
When creating a blogging schedule, it is essential to be realistic about how much time you can dedicate to writing and publishing blog posts.
If you have a full-time job or other commitments, it may not be feasible to publish a blog post every day or even each week.
Instead, consider posting once a week or once per month. It’s whatever is realistic to you and your lifestyle.
What’s most important is the consistency of your publishing schedule so that your blog audience knows you publish new content per week on Friday and they will go read the post.
Also, It’s better to publish quality content less frequently than to publish low-quality content frequently.
Using a content calendar is an excellent way to stay organized and on track with your blogging schedule.
A content calendar allows you to plan your blog posts in advance and ensures that you are publishing content consistently.
You can use a simple spreadsheet or a more advanced tool like ClickUp or Asana to create your content calendar.
The biggest mistake I see bloggers make is not having a detailed blog content calendar like how I explained in the steps above.
If you want to get serious about your blog to grow it into an actual business, you need to plan a detailed content calendar.
Repurposing content is a great way to save time and ensure that your blog is always up-to-date.
For example, you can turn a blog post into a video or a podcast episode. You can also turn the blog post into 5 different Instagram posts.
Stop trying to recreate the wheel for every piece of content you want to publish.
I always repurpose my content into:
By following these tips, you can create a blogging schedule that works for you and your readers.
Remember to be realistic, use a content calendar, and repurpose content when possible.
As a blogger, staying organized is key to success. One of the best ways to do that is by joining the Blog Organization Lab course inside the Blogging Ladies Membership.
This course covers everything from content creation to editorial calendars, project management, and collaboration.
The Blog Organization Lab course is designed to help bloggers stay on top of their game. It includes step-by-step instructions on how to create a blog schedule that works for you.
You’ll learn how to set realistic goals, prioritize tasks, and make the most of your time.
One of the biggest benefits of joining the Blogging Ladies Membership is the community of like-minded bloggers.
You’ll have access to a private group of 170+ blogging ladies where you can ask questions, get advice, and share your successes.
Plus, you’ll get access to monthly new blog educational bundles that consist of a masterclass, templates, and workbooks.
ALSO, to add icing on the cake, you get access to weekly group blog coaching calls. All for the price of just $27 a month.
If you’re serious about taking your blog to the next level, the Blog Organization Lab course inside the Blogging Ladies Membership is a must-join.
You’ll get the tools and support you need to create a successful blog schedule and stay organized.
Join the Blogging Ladies Membership to Access the Blog Organization Lab + 5 other blogging courses here :
Now that you have all the information and tools you need to create your blogging schedule, it’s time to put it all into action.
Remember, your blogging schedule should be unique to you and your blog. Use the tips and advice from this article to create a schedule that works for you and your readers.
With a little bit of planning and organization, you can create a blogging schedule that will help you stay on track and grow your blog. So go ahead and get started – your readers are waiting!