How to Increase Blogger Traffic in 2024- 6 Things I Did

How to Increase Blogger Traffic in 2024- 6 Things I Did

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If you are new to blogging and looking for ways on how to increase blogger traffic, you’ve come to the right place. Every blogger knows that consistent traffic is the key to a successful blog. Sadly every time I searched for how to increase blog traffic, I would end up reading another post that told me the same ol’ not-so-helpful things.

So I began to dive deeper and research about blog traffic every chance I had. Once I started to implement current blog traffic strategies that actually WORK, I began to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Now I am on the front page of Google for many of my blog pages and blog posts. I receive a significant amount of traffic to my blog website and I have also gotten my 1:1 blog coaching and group coaching clients results as well.

The following are some of my tips that have helped me personally increase blog traffic. If you are thinking of starting a blog, I have a Step By Step Tutorial on Helping You Start Your Own Blog.

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6 Things I Did to Increase My Blog Traffic This Month

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A lot of new bloggers in this blogging space use blogging as a way to journal. Trust me, I think that’s how we ALL started out.

But in order for people to want to read your blog posts, something needs to be in it for them.

You need to write blog posts that give them VALUE because let’s be honest, no one cares how you walked your dog this morning. Save that stuff for the gram!

What people are looking to read are blog posts that HELP them. They want to read “how-to” posts and “How I did this…” posts.

So think of things that you can write about that serve YOUR specific audience.

But Gen, how do I know what to write for my ideal reader?

  • Know who your ideal reader is, what they struggle with, demographics AND psychographics. This is what I like to call your I.R.A.

I- ideal⁠

R- reader⁠

A- avatar⁠

Ideal Reader Avatar = the one perfect, ideal person you’re talking to in your writing⁠

This can also be known as…an ideal customer avatar and an ideal client avatar.⁠

The idea is to know your ideal reader SO very well in your head that you can easily empathize with her and step in her shoes at any moment’s notice.⁠

RELATED: Strategies to Increase Blog Traffic

You want to be able to anticipate what she likes, what she needs, and how she feels without thinking twice.⁠

It is so important to know WHO you are speaking to in your writing so you can help her with what she truly needs.⁠

When you know what your I.R.A. needs…you’ll be able to then grow a community of people who look to you for the answers.⁠

And when you have the answers to their problems…⁠

This is when you find success!⁠

Remember this: A blog that speaks to everyone, speaks to no one.

Blog Post & SEO Checklist 
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This month I have seen a HUGE spike in my blog traffic and it’s all because of the SEO strategies I implemented 5 months ago.

“5 months Gen? That’s insane!”

It takes Google awhile to start ranking your blog posts and pages after you have implemented the correct keywords and SEO strategies.

But is the wait worth it? HECK YES. I am now on Googles front page when you look up “Blog Coaching” “Blog Coach” and “Blog Coaching Services” which means that I am now attracting A TON of my ideal clients to my blog from Google.

I signed 4 clients in the month of February 2022 alone and made over $8000 in sales.

If I were you, I would focus heavily on creating blog content and implementing SEO daily.

So let’s talk about What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. This is how we make our blog pages and posts appear higher in search engines and get more traffic to our website.

These days, almost all search engine traffic comes from Google so it makes the most sense for us to write our content according to Google best practices.

SEO refers to a wide range of components. We can break these down into “On-Page SEO” and “Off-Page SEO”.

On-Page SEO refers to the content directly on your website that you have control over, including your blog post text, titles, formatting, image alternative text, and website speed.

 “Off-Page SEO” refers to activities off your website that can increase your website ranking, such as getting links from other sites to your site. These important “inbound links” from other websites are an indicator to Google that your site has quality content because other people are linking to it.

Implementing proper SEO techniques helps to drive people to your website organically (that is, for free and not paid). We all use Google every day to search for information, products, or ideas. However, we rarely venture outside of the first page of results.

How often do we even scroll to the bottom of that first page? Typically, we will click on the top 2-4 search results and there are only 10 organic results shown on the front page. (Unless the user has changed their defaults allowing a maximum of 100 results) 

Therefore, for your site to gain traffic from organic (unpaid) searches, you ideally want to rank as close to the top of the first page of results as possible. This means we have to get inside the mind of Google!

By understanding how Google and other search engines work, you can optimize your website to be ranked high on the search engine results page (SERP) for searches that relate to your website.

Now let’s talk about Keyword Research.

To find websites and index content, Google has “robots” that search the internet and categorizes websites and posts. Therefore, it is important to include relevant keywords on your website and in your blog posts to help Google find and direct traffic to your site. 

Often, it’s actually better to use a short phrase or search string rather than just a keyword. So, consider what a user would be searching for to find your site.

For example if they are planning a trip to a destination are they likely to type in just the destination name, or more likely they will be searching “how to get to destination” or “things to do in destination”. These longer phrases are called “long-tail keywords” and are much easier to rank for than just the keyword by itself. 

Example: Try to rank your post for “How To Get To Michigan” instead of just trying to rank for “Michigan”. 

Try to be specific with your keywords and blog post titles as well. For example, calling a blog post “My Favorite Shoes” would be too generic to compete with massive sites.

Instead, really drill down to what your post is about and title it “The Best Nike Air Force 1 Shoes for 2020”. There are also several tools online to help you choose relevant keywords. My preference is to use Uber Suggest and Google Keyword Planner.

To read more about how to increase traffic with SEO click here!


Pinterest LOVES people who actually use their platform. They want daily activity and they want to see that you’re adding valuable content to their platform on a weekly basis. Don’t think that scheduling your pins is as effective as using the platform as a pinner. You can have a scheduler running in the background, but make sure that you’re also checking in and pinning manually a few times a week.

Are you wondering why your pins aren’t getting the attention they deserve? Well, I might know why, and it’s because you ain’t staying consistent.

I know all too well how this goes. Not so long ago I was just like you. I was frustrated. I had been pinning my blog’s content on Pinterest for a few months and I was barely getting any traffic, and no one ever repined my pins.

I heard so many bloggers talk about how Pinterest was driving hundreds of visitors to their sites every day.

So I thought, great! I’ll just pin my blog post image, sit back, wait for it to go viral, and it will start sending me butt loads of traffic. Fan-freaking-tastic!

But wait a minute… It’s not so fantastic when your mom’s the only one that repinned your latest blog post. You think, “why can’t I figure this shit out, what am I doing wrong?”

Well, my dear, I am going to let you in on a little secret…

I finally figured it out and now Pinterest drives almost 60% of the traffic to my blog.

Before we get into anything else, I want you to realize that Pinterest is a visual search engine. Notice I said visual because this is the exact reason why you’re not getting any repins and barely any traffic from Pinterest…

Your pinnable images suck! That’s the #1 reason your pins aren’t getting noticed.

The second reason, and just as important, for traffic, is a click-worthy headline that causes curiosity and makes people want to click through and actually read your content.

And the third reason, is consistency. But I’m talking consistency for atleast 3-6 months before you give up!

So here’s the secret formula: An amazing image + a click-worthy headline + consistency = massive traffic from Pinterest.


This month I decided to go ALL IN and show up in Facebook groups daily.


  • Posted in my own groups
  • Dropped my blog post links in other groups related to my niche
  • Helped people in groups

And you should be doing this daily as well! There are a lot of blogging groups that you can join that will allow you to promote your blog posts, social media accounts, and paid products. Just make sure you are following the rules.

Although I can’t seem to find an exact number for how many Facebook Groups now exist, let’s just say a lot.  Everyone I know seems to run one these days.

There may be a lot of Facebook Groups out there, but it doesn’t mean they’re all high quality or worth your time.

When I started this blog, I joined a number of blogging Facebook Groups.  I’ve found three that I’ve clicked with over time and want to continue participating in.  The others I’ve unfollowed since they weren’t worth my time.

To find your own Facebook Groups, look for recommendations from others.  Ask people in your business niche the groups they participate in.  You can also discover new groups through the bloggers you follow.  If they are in a related niche, you might find some interesting groups to participate in.

RELATED: Strategies to Increase Blog Traffic

If you haven’t started building your business network yet (and you should get on that as soon as possible), then do a search on Facebook.  Go under the “Groups” tab and write in your topic in the Search bar.  Facebook will show you a variety of groups to look into.

When choosing a Facebook Group, you want to join two types of groups.

The first group will grow your business through advice, resources, members sharing your work with their audiences and collaborations.

Try to find a Facebook Group that is for people running a business in your niche.  For example if you own a knitting business, look for a group with other knitters who also sell their products. 

This way you can network together to build your knitting businesses and the group members can be a resource to supporting your knitting business growth (and the specific issues that you’ll come upon).

Niche business Facebook groups might not be easy to find.  If you have difficulty finding a group that is specifically for your business niche, look a bit broader.  You could join a handmade business or craft business group.  These members are sure to address some of the concerns you’re encountering while building your business.

The second type of Facebook Group you want to join is one that is related to your niche.  As a business owner that’s trying to grow your business, you need a place to display your expertise in your niche.  This kind of Facebook Group let’s you share your work indirectly, answer questions and build relationships with potential customers.

Before sending a request to a Facebook Group to join, understand why you are joining this group.  Think about how this group will help you grow your business.

Social media is a vast time waster if you aren’t careful.  You always need to approach it with precision and purpose.

Understanding how a Facebook Group functions (can you share your work directly, can you provide answers to others’ problems, etc.) BEFORE you join will prevent any issues in the future.  Have a plan on how you hope to use it in your Facebook Group strategy.

Join my Facebook group for bloggers right here!

5. I Collaborated With Other Bloggers and Business Owners

In the month of December, I grew my email list by 1000 people. I then re used my email list to drive traffic back to my blog.

How I did it? I collaborated with other bloggers and business owners.

What I did was…

  • Guest post
  • Get on another’s podcast episode
  • Put one of my products for free in a business owners Christmas bundle. She has over 20k subscribers and other business owners were advertising this bundle to their huge email lists as well. This exploded my list and I will be using this strategy in the future.

Getting in front of other people’s audiences and collaborating with other people who have the same niche as you is key to growth.

If you’re a blogger, there’s a surprisingly simple way to double your income. Just put yourself in front of twice as many people who are interested in what you have to offer. Of course that’s easier said than done. In a crowded and competitive online space, getting traffic and conversions is hard, and only getting harder.

One way to do it is to throw a lot of money at the problem and accomplish it with well targeted ads, but not every solopreneur has the budget for that.

Another great way to get in front of a new audience, interested in what you have to offer, is to find someone else who’s doing something similar to what you’re doing, and access their audience. In other words, find other players in your niche, or closely related niches, and start to collaborate.

For example, let’s say you’re selling a guide on budget travel. Find a few bloggers and marketers who are also in the travel niche, or maybe even the personal finance/money saving niche.

You’re looking for people who aren’t direct competitors, but who reach an audience who will be interested in what you have to sell. This works best if your audience will also benefit from something they have to offer.

Approach the other players in your niche and see how you can work together. A great place to start is to offer to share something of theirs with your readers first. If the person sells a product, ask if you can interview them, or see if they have a discount coupon you can share with your readers.

If they have an affiliate program, you can even profit from sharing this with your readers. If they offer a freebie that your audience might be interested in, you could share that too, maybe on social media or via an email to your own subscriber list.

Next, ask if they would be interested in sharing you with their own audience. This is always your end goal, but you have to make it worth their while.

Depending on your business model, there are several different ways to accomplish this. If you have a paid product, and an affiliate program, it makes it easy. You can invite them to join your affiliate program, and offer to make sales easy for them by offering an interview, profile or guest post. You could even offer to do a livestream training in their Facebook group, or a Q&A.

No matter what you decide to do, make it as easy as possible and do whatever you have to do to get your fellow blogger or info product creator to share your offers with their audience. Ideally you’re looking to get the person you collaborate with to email his or her list for you.

Mentions on social media and blog posts are great, but your ultimate goal should always be to get them to mention you in an email, as this will tend to have a bigger impact. Remember to offer (at least) as much as you’re asking for. It’s rare for people to want to give you something for nothing.

Lastly, think carefully about your goals when approaching people to collaborate with. It’s great to get actual sales of your products and money in the bank, but it’s also very valuable to add new members of your target audience to your list.

Many other people in your niche love to share valuable freebies with their list (it’s a major incentive for people to stay on it) so it may be easier to get someone to share your opt-in freebie, rather than your paid product, especially if you have an affiliate program that will credit future sales from the leads they introduce to them. Do some research today and start identifying the perfect people in your niche to approach.

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This all came down to studying the data.

I had noticed that…

  • Instagram wasn’t getting me the traffic results I wanted so I did less of it
  • SEO was actually giving me blog traffic so I started doing more of it
  • Pinterest was gaining traction, I did more of it
  • Dropping links in Facebook groups brought me daily extra traffic
  • And collaborating with other bloggers REALLY REALLY worked so I’ll be doing more of that.

If you notice that something isn’t working for you, then stop and start putting your energy into strategies that ARE working.

It’s as simple as that.

How to Increase Blogger Traffic: Final Thoughts

In summary, I grew my blog traffic by over 500% by…

  • Writing blog posts that gave value to my readers
  • Focusing on SEO
  • Staying consistent on Pinterest
  • Showing up daily in FB Groups
  • Collaborating with other bloggers
  • Doing more of what worked and less of what didn’t

Even if you’re discouraged, I promise you can grow you’re blog traffic! I was right where you are once too. Don’t give up!

And if you want you can check out my new group blog coaching program: The Blog Growth Lab

A 3 month group blog coaching program for female bloggers that is looking to focus heavily on the needle moving pieces that grow a blog on a day to day basis. If you’re ready to get thousands of eyes on your blogging business then this is for you!


  • Increasing your blogs pageviews 
  • Growing on social media such as Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, etc. 
  • The needle moving day to day tasks needed to grow 
  • Growing your email list 
  • Getting infront of new audiences, partnerships

You can book a discovery call here to find out more about my blog coaching programs!


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Hey, I'm Genasys!

Blogging coach for ladies who want to turn their blog from passion to profits and make a high income doing what they love.

  1. Francesca says:

    Hi, thanks so much for this informative blog post. I just started out and I am very much overwhelmed with what I need to do to gain site traffic.

  2. Jelissa says:

    Thank you so much! Super helpful article. When I first started Pinterest 4 weeks ago I got so many impressions now when I post something I don’t get anything at all!! 😩😩 am I doing something wrong besides my pin sucking?

    • Genasys Asbury says:

      Hey there Jelissa! I checked out your blog and your Pinterest and it does seem like your pins are lacking the design aspect. I highly recommend you head to Etsy and purchase some Pinterest templates or you can use the free ones on Canva for starters! Also another problem could be that you’re not using Pinterest SEO. I would love to help you further with all of this if you would like to contact me! I definitely see room for improvements (:

  3. Aubrey says:

    This is a great blog post! So informative and helpful. Blogging can feel so overwhelming, but this post is honestly a one-stop shop. Thanks for sharing!

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