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June 15, 2022

How to Run a Blog When You Aren’t Tech Savvy

After receiving a lot of feedback from my email list subscribers, I noticed a pattern that’s been trending with quite a few bloggers. 

“I’m not tech savvy.”

“The technical side of blogging is holding me back.”

“All the tech is overwhelming.”

“I can’t get my blog off the ground because of the tech that’s needed that I don’t understand!” 

Ugh, boss lady. I truly felt this.

To be honest, I felt that way too when I first started blogging. 

As new bloggers there are sooo many things that we need to learn and implement. 

So many platforms that we need to become an expert in. 

Things like….

  • Getting a domain
  • Designing your website 
  • Setting up your email list 
  • Designing freebies 
  • Implementing SEO
  • Correct blog post format 
  • How to schedule pins in tailwind 

And platforms like….

  • WordPress
  • Canva 
  • Showit 
  • Flodesk 
  • Dubsado 
  • Teachable 
  • Later 
  • Instagram and FB
  • Pinterest 
  • Tailwind 
  • And so much more 

Learning how to use these platforms can make any new blogger want to quit If you’re not so tech savvy (I wasn’t in the beginning). 

This is exactly why I have put a tech vault inside of my Blogging Ladies Membership. It’s a collection of tech tutorial videos that show you how to use such platforms. 

Join The Blogging Ladies Membership right here!

Moving on…

In todays blog post I want to give you some tips on how to run a blog when you aren’t so tech savvy.

Hopefully this will help my fellow non-techers!

1- Be A Researcher

My blogging coaching clients know this very very well….

You HAVE to become a researcher when it comes to blogging and business. 

You HAVE to be able to look up things online, on YouTube, on podcasts, etc. to find the information you are looking for. 

A lot of my newer blog coaching clients try and ask me a lot of questions about tech and want me to set up things for them. 

However, I make sure to tell them that I will not be babying them because they need to learn how to be a good researcher. 

There are tons of tech tutorials of all these platforms on YouTube – you just have to take the time to look it up and follow along.

Want to know how to design a email list subscriber form on Flodesk? It’s on YouTube. 

Want to know how to hook up the form and place them in your blog posts? That’s on YouTube too. 

But I also offer several tech tutorials of these platforms inside of the membership too. You just have to look for them and actually watch the content and follow along. 

Most platforms also have a help desk. Easily contact someone live to answer your questions. 

As a blogging coach, I help you develop business and blogging strategies that get you results and leave my tech vault inside the membership for you to do on your own. 

And if you don’t find the answer you’re looking for… THEN totally come to me with the question and I will be more than happy to show you how to do it. But only after you’ve done the research on that specific platform yourself! 

Because when coaching is over and you have a million other tech related questions, you need to be able to figure some things out yourself because I won’t always be there! 

Just some food for thought, boss lady. 

2- YouTube is Your BFF

Like I said above, anything and everything about the platforms I said above is on YouTube believe it or not. 

  • Look up Showit videos. 
  • Look up teachable videos.
  • Look up Pinterest and tailwind videos. 
  • And Flodesk videos.

It’s all right there at your finger tips! You just need to follow it. 

People are making videos of these platforms for a reason. To help you out with the tech side of blogging and business. 

Can’t find something on YouTube? No worries! There’s always the help desk on these platforms. Tons of articles written by the platform on how to do something. Read it and follow it. 

3- Invest to Learn Tech

If you’re struggling with the tech side of your blogging business then maybe it’s because you haven’t invested in some good blogging courses. 

Most blogging courses show you exactly how to set up everything. 

I know my blogging course inside of the Blogging Ladies Membership shows you step by step how to do and set up everything for your blog in the simplest way. I’ve made sure to leave out nothing and I’m always adding more and more each month. 

Listen, I know you’re scared to invest. 

You might not have the money to invest yet. 

You might think you need to make the money on your blog BEFORE you invest. 

But I promise you this mindset is the thing that is holding you back. 

When I started my blogging business, I went over a year without investing because I thought that all of the free information online would still get me the same results. 

But In reality, I held myself back from actually seeing blogging results from doing this. 

As soon as I invested, I immediately seen results. 

Courses are super simple and easy to follow. They are designed to put you on a fast track to reach your goals (mine are anyway). 

Sure, you can wait over a year to see blog results, but if you want to see results in a shorter time, you have to invest! 

And no, Boss Lady, you do not have to invest thousands of dollars in programs. 

You can invest in one course, one coach, one membership, etc to see faster results than you would if you don’t. 

For example: my blog membership that includes my blogging course is just $27 a month and jam packed with everything you need to start a blogging business. 

Another example: you can book a strategy session with me today for just $97. 

Or you can invest in 1:1 blog coaching with me for 3 or 6 months.

4- focus on learning one thing at a time

Yes, you have to learn WordPress or Showit or Squarespace- whatever design platform you need for your blog. 

Yes, you have to learn Pinterest and Tailwind. 

Yes, you have to learn Flodesk, or another email marketing platform. 

Yes, you have to learn all these things but that doesn’t mean you have to overwhelm yourself by learning them all at once!! 

Master one platform at a time. 

Take things step by step. 

That’s why I have created the blogging ladies membership so strategically to help you start a Blog step by step with checklists and other resources to help you. 

You can’t move on to the next module inside until you have mastered and completed everything on the checklists in the first one.  

Learning things step by step helps you completely ditch the overwhelm and focus on one thing, one platform, at a time. 

Other tips: 

  • don’t like WordPress? You don’t have to use it! To me it’s extremely difficult and not worth the stress. Instead I use Showit which helps me 
  • hate mail chimp? Me too! Don’t use it. I highly recommend Flodesk though! 
  • Hate a certain social media platform? Don’t get on it!
  • don’t like tailwind? Manually pin. Hate Pinterest all together? Cool. Focus mainly on SEO. (You just can’t leave out SEO. Sorry, you have to deal with that one). 

Truth is… you have FULL control of the platforms you use inside of your blogging business. 

You can totally run a successful blogging business without overwhelming yourself with platforms that you simply don’t like. 

I hope you found these tips helpful! 

Comment below the platform you’re currently struggling with and I’ll reply with a tutorial or resource to help you out!

Oh and don’t forget to sign up to the Free masterclass below!

6 Figure Blogger Secrets Free Masterclass
Learn how to start and grow your blog to 6 figures. I’m sharing my EXACT blog monetization strategy. Sign up below!
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