How to Start a Blog in 2025

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Welcome to my step-by-step guide on how to start a blog in 2025.

We’re going to be talking about:

1. How I started my blog and how I make 6 figures per year blogging.
2. What you need to start a blog today.
3. The step-by-step actions you need to take to start a blog.
4. What to do after you launch your blog.

This blog post is long, so you might want to copy this link and email it to yourself so you can come back later if you don’t have time now.

OR you can just get my free start a blog masterclass below!

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I truly want to help you start a highly profitable blogging business in 2025.

So with that being said, if you start a blog using this blog post as a guide, I will offer you a free 1:1 blog coaching call to help you get your blog up and running. Literally, zero charge to you. Plus, you can receive 2 weeks of free messaging support so you can ask me any questions you need to about getting your blog up and running.

Why am I offering this for free? Because I genuinely care about you getting your blog started on the right foot.

And because I know that there’s a lot of noise in the blogging space and you wouldn’t want to go 1000 miles in the wrong direction by reading an fluffy article that leads you down the wrong path.

All you have to do to get the free 1:1 blog coaching call and 2 weeks of text messaging support is fill out the form linked at the bottom of this page.

How Did I Start a Blog?

Before I teach you how to start a blog, I thought I’d tell you a little bit about my story and how I got started blogging.

It started in 2018, living in my aunts spider infested basement with a crappy 2010 MacBook and negative money in the bank account.

My brand new car had just been repoed since I couldn’t pay it and I was honestly contemplating on taking out yet ANOTHER loan to make ends meet.

One day I was scrolling on Pinterest looking at articles on how to make money from home. I came across all these blogging articles on “how to start a blog” and “how to make money blogging” – like you did too.

So I took what little money my credit card had and invested in a domain and hosting. Little did I know, starting a blog was a little bit more complicated than that.

As I started to design my blogs website on WordPress, I realized this was going to be impossible for me to design a decent-looking blog like the rest of the bloggers websites I had seen.

It took me 2 months to get a website running that was just OKAY looking. The tech behind WordPress was my struggle #1.

After I had Started My Blog:

I started writing blog posts and inserted affiliate links inside of them, and signed up for Google Adsense.

I was posting and praying that I would make money. But in 2 years? I had made nothing but a few dollars. It was so defeating.

So I decided to take my last $200 and invested it into a blogging coach of my own. She had helped me realize that in order to make money blogging, I needed to view it as a business. And what do businesses do?

1. They invest.
2. They create and sell their OWN offers that solve problems for a specific person.

So I did just that and that’s when Boss Lady Bloggers was born. I sold courses, blog coaching and website design for bloggers.

The results? $4000 made in just 3 months of working with her. It was so life-changing after spending 2 years with little to nothing made.

Now? I have built this business to $10,000+ months, I bought a new 2023 car, I had a baby in November 2022, and I purchased a house (and about to purchase another soon).

I don’t have to worry about where money is going to come from because I have built monthly recurring revenue in my blogging business.

Groceries? No problem. Bills? Paid ahead. And I only work 1 day per week for 8 hours or so while my mom takes the baby. The rest of the days? I’m just a stay at home mama.

Since I started to make money from my blog, I had made a promise to myself to help new bloggers like you save themselves time, avoid the mistakes like I did, and help them start blogs effortlessly– ones that are profitable and fulfilling.

And trust me when I say, I am NOT special. I built my blog from the ground up and from nothing. So when I say that you can do this too, you really really can. And I believe in you more than anyone.

Why Should You Start a Blog Today in 2025?

  • Be able to work from home or from wherever you please – be completely location independent
  • Scale your income. There is no roof on your salary, it’s endless
  • Diversify your income and make it as passive as possible (in other words you can quite literally make money in your sleep)
  • The costs of starting and launching your blog are low – I mean you can sign up for a domain at Siteground for $3.99/month. As you grow and monetize you will eventually earn back what you invested in the beginning
  • Put your creative outlet to good use and create something (there’s a simple joy to just create something for yourself and others)
  • You are in complete control of your time and how you decide to spend it
  • Travel wherever, whenever
  • Learn new things and become a tech-boss
  • Help and provide value for other people
  • Challenge and improve on yourself and this way, ooze more confidence
  • You are your own boss
  • Freedom
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What do you need to have in order to start a blog today?

Not trying to intimidate you. You don’t need a lot of money or anything special. Trust me, I started with a 2010 old MacBook and no money at all.

To start a blog in 2025, all you need is:

1. Internet Connection
2. A Computer
3. An email address
4. A little bit of start-up money or credit.

If you don’t have a computer to start a blog, all you need is a little $100 Chromebook from Best Buy and you’ll be all set.

The reason why you need a computer is because you’ll need to design your website, write blog posts, and structure them, and a little bit more but I won’t overwhelm you with too much yet.

How much money do you need to start a blog? We’ll get into that later. But ill show you how to start a blog with a budget of UNDER $100.

Note: Don’t overthink this. I know your mind can get overwhelmed and swirl a little bit but when I say this is all worth it- I’m being honest.

I was very hesitant to put in what little credit I had to invest in a domain and hosting. It was so scary. But I had no clue that 2 years later I would be making $4000 and then grow my blogging business to $10,000+ months.

I didn’t fail, and if you follow my advice, you won’t either and that’s a promise!

Get a free 1:1 blog coaching call with me and 2 weeks of text messaging support when you fill out the form at the bottom of this blog post!

How to Start a Blog Easy in 2024

The way I teach new bloggers how to start a blog is a lot different than all the other “how to start a blog” fluffy posts out there.

And I say “fluffy” because yes, they are complete fluff because I used those posts to start a blog too and those articles did absolutely nothing for me.

What’s different with my approach to starting a blog?

1. Most gurus tell you to start a blog on WordPress. Me? I’ll tell you to start your blog easy on Showit because WordPress is WAY to hard to design a really professional website on- which you will need.
2. Most blog gurus will tell you to monetize with affiliate marketing and ads right away. Me? I’ll tell you heck to the no! Create and sell your OWN offers and run this blog like a legit business.
3. Most blog gurus will tell you it takes years to monetize your blog. Me? It’s actually really fast if you know what you’re doing and have a blog coach in your corner, guiding you through the right steps to take.

So yeah, my opinions are a lot different. BUT, I have been in this industry for years, I have tried ALL of the strategies that most gurus will tell you… and as a professional blogging coach of 5 years and counting? Those strategies are fluffy. But this one won’t be.

Let’s get your blog started today!

1. Choosing your blogs niche.

A niche is a narrow topic that you choose to talk about on your blog. For example: a blog about blogging, a blog about fashion, a blog about fitness.

I’ve found that a niche is NOT required for blogging success. However, it helps your Google SEO (blog traffic) and your monetization efforts in the long run.

You could start a blog as a lifestyle blog, especially if you have multi passions and simply cannot choose a niche. You can always write about all different topics and then eventually you’ll find the one you love writing about most.

I started my first blog as a lifestyle blog. I talked about beauty, fashion, money, working from home, etc. But it wasn’t working out for me because I wasn’t KNOWN for 1 thing.

So do you want to truly standout and make money right from the beginning? I suggest you choose one topic.

But if choosing a niche is the one thing that is holding you back from starting your blog, then please write about whatever you want and you can always niche down later on.

Don’t let it hold you back. You can experiment with different topics and like I said above, you’ll eventually figure out what topic you enjoy writing about the most.

2. Choose your blogs name.

You want to get this right from the start. You wouldn’t want to go back and change this because you’ll need to also change social media platforms, your domain name, etc and that’s just a headache. I highly suggest you spend your time on this step.

There’s different ways of helping you come up with a name for your blog:

⁃ Use your real name
⁃ Ask Chat GPT

Here’s some more tips for choosing a domain name for your blog:

⁃ always use a .com extension
⁃ Make it super simple and easy to spell
⁃ Don’t misspell words
⁃ Use a main keyword that explains what you do. It should tell me what your blog is about. Ex: Boss Lady Bloggers

3. Sign Up for Website Hosting

This seems complicated, but trust me, it is not, so don’t stress about it.

First, I want you to click here to open in a new window on your computer. Make sure you leave this post open.

Ad - Web Hosting from SiteGround - Crafted for easy site management. Click to learn more.

Why I Advise You to Start a Blog With Siteground

Siteground is the best hosting company that I have found. I have never had issues with them in the several years I have hosted my website with them.

I have tried Bluehost, Hostgator, and others but Siteground was always the best. Their customer service is top notch as well.

The main reasons why I love Siteground:

1. Customer Service – they have an online chat and you can reach them very quickly when you have a problem.
2. It’s very affordable compared to the others.
3. It’s the simplest to set up.

Now let’s jump in to the start a blog steps.

Step 1: Go to and Click “Start Now”

When you go to you will see where it says “Start Now”.

Click on the big blue button to start your blog.

Step 2. Select Your Hosting Plan

Siteground offers 3 levels of hosting. Startup, Growbig, and Gogeek.

I recommend you select “Startup” if you are a new and beginner blogger just starting a blog for the first time.

All you have to do is select “Get Plan”.

You can always upgrade when you are ready to. However, it’ll be a bit of growing your blog before you need that much space and traffic.

3. Add Your Domain

There are 2 options that you can choose from. “New Domain” and “Exisiting Domain”.

If you have not yet purchased a domain name to start your blog, then keep it on “New Domain” and type in the domain you wish to have.

Remember, when it comes to domain names we want to keep this simple and easy for your target audience to spell and search quickly.

Make sure you always get the “.com” extension for your blogs domain.

Press the continue button.

Sometimes it will give you a message saying that the domain you wish to choose is unavailable for the “.com” extension and gives you some other options you can choose from. However, it is best to choose a domain name that is available for the “.com” extension. You may have to pick a different domain name.

Now you can press continue when you have selected the perfect domain for your blog.

4. Review and Complete

Now that you have a domain name selected, you can go ahead and move onto the next step: Review and Complete.

Put in your information to create your account.

Then you can plug in your payment information to pay for the domain name and hosting.

Under “purchase information”, I highly recommend you keep the 12 months option to pay.

You will only pay $35.88 for blog hosting for the entire year.

Under “Extra services” you will see that they have already added on the domain name for “$17.99” for the entire year.

I have never added on any other extra services. I do not find these to be needed, especially as a blogging beginner. I still have not added these to my site.

5. Pay Now

Next you will scroll down and see “Order Summary”.

Make sure you check off the top box. I do not recommend checking off the 2nd box because you tend to receive a lot of unnecessary emails that just fill your inbox.

Now you can go ahead and press the “Pay Now” button.

WOOHOO! You’ve officially paid for your first blog! Congrats lady!

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Did you start a blog today?

If you did, you get a FREE 1:1 Blog Coaching Call with Me! + 2 Weeks of text messaging support!

If you started a blog, I am so so excited because not only are we going to be BFF’s but you also get a free 1:1 blog coaching call with me + 2 weeks of text messaging support from me, a blogging coach!

That means for the next 2 weeks after you sign up, you can text me with any and ALL questions you have and meet me face to face to help you with the next steps to starting your dream blog.

I can answer your questions, give you feedback, and we can become friends which is so important in the blogging space to have.

This way, I can personally help you get your blog started on the right foot.

To get this FREE 1:1 Blog coaching call and 2 weeks of text messaging support, click the “form for free 1:1 call and text coaching” buttin below and fill it out after you have started your blog.

After you fill out the form, I will personally get back with you after I have reviewed your form to make sure that you actually have used this guide to start a blog, and then I will send you my private 1:1 blog coaching client calendar to book your free 1:1 call with me + send you an email with my phone number so we can get started!

From there, you will be able to text me with any and ALL questions about getting your blog up and running or anything else for 2 entire weeks.


Now, you are ready to read part 2 of this “Start a Blog Easy Series”.

Here are the links for all the blog post within this series:

Part 1: How to Start a Blog Easy in 2025

Part 2: How to Brand Your Blog – Logo Design, Colors, and More

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Hi, I'm Genasys - a blogging coach, brand & website designer, and proud toddler boy mom.

Will also answer to: multitasking queen, coffee enthusiast, late-night creative, and toddler-wrangling pro. 😉

And do you know what all these titles have in common?

They all fuel my passion for helping ambitious ladiies like you turn their blogging dreams into a thriving reality—because if I can juggle it all and make it happen, so can you (with a little guidance, of course). 💁‍♀️

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