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October 6, 2020

Blogging to Make Money

How Long Does it Take to Make Money With Blogging?

Every blog coaching client of mine asks me, “How long does it take me to make money with blogging?” I get this question asked A LOT and I completely understand because I once asked that same question.

How long does it take to make money with blogging?

A lot of new bloggers think that they can make money by blogging within just a couple of months. I’m sad to say, that this isn’t true.

Blogging is a lot of hard work. We have to write, market, graphic design, and much more to make our blog a success. In the first 6 months to a year of blogging, we most likely work for free.

A lot of bloggers give up in the first 3-6 months because of this reason. It’s a lot of hard work and you will most likely have no money to show for it.

But I’m not giving you the full truth. Wanna know my honest opinion?

Starting a blog that makes money will only take a long time if you have no idea what you’re doing if you are new, and don’t decide to invest in a blogging coach.

If you decide to learn to blog alone, it could take you 6 months, 2 years, or worse, never.

For example, It took me 2 years of blogging every day before I made any money from my blog. It wasn’t until I invested in a blogging coach that I started to make an income.

If I hadn’t invested in a blogging coach, I know 100% that I would have never figured out how to make money blogging because I wasn’t doing anything right. Despite how many free articles I read on Pinterest.

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If you know what you’re doing, blogging to make money is possible within 3-6 months. But if you are new and have no idea what to do, and if you decide not to hire a blogging coach to teach you, then the money might never come.

No, boss lady, I am not telling you this to make you hire me as a blogging coach. You can read a lot of other bloggers’ posts and they will tell you the same.

Even though you need to hire a blogging coach if you want to make money blogging quickly, some other factors come into play as well.

How Committed Are You to Learn How to Make Money Blogging?

Blogging will not work for you if you aren’t committed. The only bloggers that I have seen become successful are the ones who never give up. They keep pushing forward and do the work they need to every chance they can.

You can’t expect to publish a blog post, promote it for a week on Pinterest, and then ignore it for a month after. You have to be committed to doing the work that needs to be done every single day/week.

You have to publish a blog post weekly, publish new and fresh pins every day to promote your content, write weekly emails to your list to keep people coming back to your blog, and you need to do this for as long as your a blogger.

There is no sitting around and waiting for things to happen. You have to be motivated, dedicated, and committed to doing the necessary tasks that will bring your blog traffic and therefore, you will have a blog that makes you money.

RELATED: Do You Make Money from Blogging? A Clear Answer

Are You Willing to Invest?

As I said, boss lady, if you’re a new blogger and have no idea where to even start, then you need to invest in your blog education so you can see success.

Reading a ton of free articles on Pinterest will only get you so far. It’s what I like to call the “Pinterest Rabithole.”

I call it the Pinterest Rabithole because I see so many new bloggers doing this. They go on Pinterest, read soooo many blog articles, and then get so overwhelmed.

When you read information without applying it, then how will you ever actually learn to blog?

Not only that, but blog posts only can hold so much information. Most of the time, blog posts won’t tell you HOW to do something.

Going down the Pinterest rabbit hole is a waste of time. And I don’t tell you this to discourage you. I am telling you this to help you be more realistic and make you realize that there is a better, faster way to make money blogging.

Ready to Work Together? Check out my 1:1 blog coachng and custom blog website design services here.

Do You Know How to Make Money Blogging?

If you have no idea what you’re doing, you most likely won’t make money blogging for awhile.

It takes a while to learn how to blog, especially without a mentor.

My blog coaching program starts at 12 weeks and I can’t lower it more than that because if I did, I wouldn’t be able to get my clients results.

Investing in your blog is key to have a blog that makes money faster than if you were to do it alone.

Even if you do learn how to blog, get traffic to your Pinterest, and write really good blog posts for SEO, you still might not make money blogging because you have no business knowledge.

Blogging is a mixture of blogging, business, marketing, etc.

There is a lot to learn! But if you are ready to take the brave step, schedule a free 15-minute consultation call so we can decide if you are a good fit for my coaching program.

RELATED: How to Earn Money as a Travel Blogger: Tips and Strategies

Do You Know What Tasks Need to Be Done Daily to Make it Happen?

There are certain tasks that you need to do daily to make money blogging. These things are…

  • Writing new posts
  • Creating and scheduling new, fresh pins for Pinterest
  • Dropping links and engaging in FB groups
  • Instagram posting and getting on Stories
  • Creating freebies for your readers
  • Writing emails
  • Creating things to sell
  • And more

There are a lot of things you need to do as a blogger and it needs to be done productively.

I struggle with this big time. I want to constantly design things and procrastinate creating new pins for Pinterest-even though it’s the most important thing you need to do as a blogger!

If you don’t have a set plan and schedule to work on your blog productively, then you most likely will waste a lot of your time and not see an income from your blog.

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Are You in It For The Long Run?

Seeing income results from your blog will not be easy and it will take you a while, but you need to be in it for the long run.

If you get to 6 months and you still haven’t made any money, are you going to give up or keep learning and moving forward?

It’s all about how dedicated you are to making it happen for yourself.

If you do get to the 6-month mark without an income or even a year, are you finally going to decide it’s time to invest? Why even wait?

If you’re ready to make it happen for you quickly without wasting time, schedule a free 15-minute consultation call with me so we can meet face-to-face and decide if a blog coaching program will be the right direction for you.