PODCAST: What I’m Doing to Scale and Grow My Blog in 2024 (Starting at $10k Months Blogger)

PODCAST: What I’m Doing to Scale and Grow My Blog in 2024 (Starting at $10k Months Blogger)

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Hey there, blogging friends!

I’m excited to share with you my game plan for growing my blog this year. After becoming a mom, my blog wasn’t my top focus. But now, with some help from family watching the baby, I’ve got more time to dedicate to it.

My Top Priority: SEO

My blog’s search engine ranking dropped because I hadn’t updated my SEO in two years. I used to be on page one for “Blog Coaching” keywords, and I want that top spot back! To fix this, I’ve added more content to my website pages and hired an SEO strategist to tackle all the technical stuff.

Revamping Old Blog Posts

I’m also updating old blog posts. They need new freebies, better links, and fresher content. I’m using ClickUp to organize this massive task, aiming to update at least three posts each week.

Pinterest and Instagram Strategies

Pinterest used to be easy for driving traffic, but not anymore. So, I’ve stopped relying on paid ads and hired a Pinterest manager instead. She’s doing great, and my engagement numbers are soaring!

For Instagram, I’ve decided to keep things simple. I’m focusing on brand awareness and having fun rather than stressing over sales. Plus, I’ve brought on someone to handle engagement so I can focus on creating content and managing client work.

Building My Team

I’m gradually building a team to help with various tasks. This includes the SEO strategist, Pinterest manager, and Instagram engagement specialist. It’s all about finding the right people who can deliver results without breaking the bank.

Mental Health Matters

Taking care of my mental health is crucial. I’m starting my days early with affirmations, gratitude lists, and a healthy breakfast. A new app called Habit helps me stay on track with voice reminders.

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Client Management

Finally, I’m honing in on client management. I want to provide the best experience possible, so I’m refining communication and organizing projects to ensure everything runs smoothly.

If you’re interested in ClickUp templates for blogging or considering working with me, check out the links below. Let’s have a chat and see if we’re a good fit!

That’s it for now. Time to dash off to a coaching call (better late than never, right?). Take care, and let’s make our blogs shine this year!

Bye for now

FREE Clickup Templates : https://bossladybloggers.myflodesk.com/hm5n3kt061

Book a call to work with me: https://calendly.com/bossladybloggers/15min

Blog Coaching and Website Design: https://bossladybloggers.com/blog-coaching-services

Join the Blogging Ladies Membership: https://bossladybloggers.com/blogging-ladies-membership

Hey, I'm Genasys!

Blogging coach for ladies who want to turn their blog from passion to profits and make a high income doing what they love.

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