The Difference Between Blogger and Blogging Business Owner

The Difference Between Blogger and Blogging Business Owner

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I Made A Lot Of Mistakes When I Started Blogging…

I spent hours trying to make affiliate sales and ad income and stressed myself out trying to post 3 times per week, just like the “experts” tell you.

Know what happened? I became really overwhelmed following this outdated advice, and it wasn’t even helping me grow my blog! But then I realized that all of these “blog tips” completely overlooked the importance of business models and sales strategies. 

So created a business model, business plan, and overall business strategy for what I called “My Blogging Business.” Then I started separating the blogging strategies that REALLY work from the ones that are a big fat waste of precious time. 

Combining business and blogging strategies helped me go from making $200 in one month to over $5,000 in one month!

Now I share all of my blogging business strategies so my students can do the same thing in their own business…

During that time of learning how to blog and what strategies worked for me, I quickly learned that there was a HUGE difference between a “blogger” and a “blogging business owner” which is why I wanted to write this post to teach you the difference as well.

What is a Blogger?

A blogger is someone who is blogging as a hobby.

They might write blog posts, drive traffic from Pinterest, have a small email list, and maybe even an Instagram.

A blogger may want to make money from blogging but they just don’t know how.

They follow what the “experts” say and just write blog posts, insert affiliate links, pop a million ads on their site and then sit back and try to make money.

They dream of making so many affiliate sales and ad income…

But what they don’t realize is that they need A LOT of blog traffic every month to even make a little bit of money.

They don’t realize that the blog traffic they need might not be realistic for them as a new blogger.

So then they tend to quit. They give up because the income never came.

Does this sound like you right now? Let me know by commenting below!

If you’re sick of the never ending cycle of publishing a ton of blog content, trying to get blog traffic, and make affiliate sales, then you may want to transition into being a blogging business owner.

What is a Blogging Business Owner?

A blogging business is owner is someone who is blogging because they are passionate about it but mainly because they want to do this as a full time job.

A blogging business owner does the following:

  • Write Blog Posts that are intentionally targeted to their ideal reader and specifically created to nurture them and build the like, know and trust factor so that they will want to purchase products or sign up to their services.
  • Creates products that solve their ideal readers problem
  • Uses funnels to make passive income
  • Maybe provides a service to help their ideal reader even more
  • Focuses on strategy to make money blogging
  • Holds webinars, challenges, or other launch events
  • Live launches products and offers to an audience
  • Writes sales emails
  • Uses blog posts as a way to get people to sign up to their email lists
  • Writes weekly emails
  • Uses Instagram to build an email list, build the like, know and trust factor, connect with ideal customers and clients, and be seen as an authority in their specific niche
  • Markets their blog posts using Pinterest

And SO much more!

A blogging business owner is someone who is super serious about making money from their blogging business.

A blogging business owner also has the drive to LEARN and GROW.

They don’t just sit around and wait for things to magically take off for them because they know that this just won’t happen. A blogging business owner takes ACTION first.

They don’t put all of their eggs in one basket by just inserting affiliate links and ads and hoping that one day they will make money from this.

A blogging business owner strategically creates products and services that helps their ideal reader with the urgent problems they struggle with.

A blogging business owner also fails over and over and over again but understands that it is part of the learning process that they need to grow.

Who Boss Lady Bloggers Helps

I help female bloggers go from “bloggers” to “blogging business owners.”

If you are looking for major help to get your blog off the ground and make money blogging, I’m here-ready to dive in with you hand in hand and map out strategy and action to make you unstoppable. Whether it’s overcoming technology, deciding on a niche and categories, or figuring out how you’re going to make your blog a high income generator, I got you!

*PS* I’ve helped several women bloggers just like you go from A to Z and turn their blogs into a passive income powerhouse.

I turn everything into organized easy to execute systems and frameworks that will help you learn to overcome technology, create massive clarity, and scale your blog so you can truly start living a life you love.

I’m your go-to gal when you’re ready to make money blogging with intention, strategy, and a step-by-step, easy to understand learning framework.

Because you CAN have a widly successful blog, you just may need some help. Working with me in a one on one blog coaching program, you will be able to make all your blogging dreams come true! Let me help you learn and give you support you through it all.

I’ve helped women bloggers rake in $5k+ per month. I’ve guided tons of women through my signature blog coaching  process to create blogs that are made to endure as they operate on a strong, strategy and framework-backed foundation. But more than that, I’ve been humbled every day to partner with my clients to craft profitable blogs that generate a passive income and shows who they are in just one click.


A step-by-step, easy to understand blog coaching program that will teach you everything you need to know about building a wildly successful blogging business.

A Look Inside the Blog Coaching Program

What you get inside the program:

  • 1:1 weekly blog coaching calls- recorded and sent to you
  • 24-7 daily messaging support
  • Completely personalized to you with a custom plan for your blog based on your goals 
  • Weekly tasks, goals and accountability to keep you on track
  • Option to continue 1:1 blog coaching after the program is complete
  • Bonus: Get The Blog Accelerator Program for free
  • Video tutorials whenever you feel stuck

Book a Free Blog Strategy Call

Wouldn’t it be great if you could…


Have access to a blogging growth expert who understands where you’re at in your struggles and can show you how to overcome them.


Diving deep into your blogging problems and finding clarity by the end of the day so that you can push forward and have blogging success.


There’s time to find clarity, strategize, and even implement so you can finally make money on your blog and know what steps to take to get there.



The Free Blog Strategy call is a different offering than what you’re maybe used to seeing. Here’s what it looks like on your end…


Free just 1 hour from your calendar so we can dive in deep!

You just need to make sure you have enough time before our call to write a list of questions, then process, and implement what we talk about after the call.



I like being completely straight forward with you….

I will be talking about my blog coaching program at the end of our call. I will ask you if that is okay and only if you say yes, I will tell you more about it to see if you’re interested. 

If you say no, I will wish you the very best and stay in touch on the gram!


Don’t worry – this isn’t a 5 hour long chat. This is just 1 hour of your time.

You should come with a list of questions that are related to blogging or business and I will thoroughly answer them in deep detail.

Then we will map out the strategies and a strategic blogging plan for you.

Does this all sound great?


Now tell me in the comments below….

Do you want to be just a blogger or do you want to become a blogging business owner and make legit money?




Hey, I'm Genasys!

Blogging coach for ladies who want to turn their blog from passion to profits and make a high income doing what they love.

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In this free masterclass, I will show you the foundations you need in order to make your blogging business a huge success. You're going to learn: 

blogging business foundations 

the time is now


FREE masterclass where I guide you through the essential steps to establish the foundational elements that will propel your blog to financial success.

the mindset shift you need to make

how to systemize your blog biz

the only 3 things you need to grow 

the biggest mistakes you're making

what will actually make you money

You will receive a workbook that will help you implement everything you will learn during the masterclass. 

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