Why You Shouldn’t Blog With WordPress

Why You Shouldn’t Blog With WordPress

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As I scroll through Pinterest and read all of the “How to Start a Blog” posts, I see how many bloggers are saying that you should blog with WordPress. I’m here to tell you why these bloggers are leading you in the wrong direction and which direction I think you should actually go in.

WordPress is undeniably a very popular platform and soooo many bloggers are still using it today, but many have decided to leave it to build their website on more user-friendly, easy-to-design, platforms that give you drag-and-drop options.

Before I tell you which platform I think you should start your blog on, I want to go ahead and tell you all of the reasons why I think you shouldn’t blog on WordPress.

Why You Shouldn’t Start a Blog With WordPress

1. Designing Your Website Will Be Extremely Difficult

I’m sorry to say this, but no one else is and I believe it needs to be heard.

Most bloggers that write a “How to Start a Blog” post, say to use WordPress because they will get an affiliate from one of the popular hosting companies like Bluehost and Siteground. This is fine- I have no problem with bloggers writing posts to make affiliate sales, but they aren’t exactly giving you the full information.

Starting your blog on WordPress is actually extremely difficult because it’s almost impossible to design your own website on it. You would need to hire a designer to make your website look good.

There are a lot of bloggers who are trying to do and write about the same things you are and in order to stand out, you need to have a better website and more detailed and thorough blog posts than your competition.

Designing your own website on WordPress with no website design or CSS knowledge is nearly impossible.

I see sooo many new bloggers struggling with this. They listen to a blogger, they get a WordPress site, and then they spend hours upon hours trying to build a website to just be “good enough.”

And I’m sorry, boss lady, that you’ve been lead in the wrong direction. Your website design really does matter for your blog’s success because you need to look professional from the start.

If you’ve been struggling to build your own website, especially on WordPress, then read till the end of this post because I have something that will help you overcome this.

2. WordPress Has No Customer Service

WordPress is considered an “open source” platform which means they won’t have a customer service team for you to call if you’re site goes down, your information goes missing, or if you’re just simply struggling with something.

Instead, you’ll have to try and work with your hosting company and in my experience, they are extremely hard to get ahold of and don’t answer questions very well.

WordPress is an extremely popular platform and because of this, it causes more hackers to favorite WordPress. If you do decide to go with WordPress even after this blog post, then I would choose Siteground to be the number one choice for a hosting provider.

3. Not User-Friendly

WordPress is extremely hard to navigate for a new blogger. It can be quite overwhelming for a new blogger since it’s such a learning curve.

Like I said above, designing a beautiful-looking website will be nearly impossible if you have zero code knowledge and even if you do hire a designer, you will always have to pay that person for updates or changes. This can be extremely inconvenient.

Most website owners and bloggers are switching to something more user-friendly that is easy to learn and very easy to go in and update website content whenever you need it without any code knowledge.

I’ll tell you my recommendation of what to use for user-friendliness in just a moment.

4. More Expensive to Build a Custom Website

When you decide to blog with WordPress, you will need to hire a website designer to create a beautiful, custom website. Since the designer needs to spend a lot of time coding AND designing, the price ranges tend to be higher than if you hire a designer who uses a more user-friendly platform.

Beware: Some people will offer to help get your website started for free. I do not recommend this at all. Please do not give anyone your password information to your hosting provider or WordPress account. I see way too many new bloggers falling into this trap now a days.

In the past, I have offered to help design a website for free, but I also have reviews, credibility, and a good-looking design myself. You do not want to give your information away to any random person who can not show this to you upfront and who you do not trust.

Website designers are also required to work only under a contract so I do not recommend working with a person who does not send a contract over before payment.

There are a lot of scams now a days and you have to be careful and be smart with your information and who you choose to design your website.

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Why I Recommend Blogging With Showit

What is Showit?

Showit is the most innovative platform for drag & drop website building without code. Throw everything you know about templates and drag & drop, this is truly unique. Showit offers the possibility to customize templates 100% so you can easily create a unique website without a single line of code. The platform has been specially developed for creative entrepreneurs.

Showit will allow you to design a stunning website on Showit but you will write all of your blog posts with WordPress. It’s absolutely amazing.

Why Showit?

Showit is not only very user-friendly and wonderful to work with. But Showit offers so much more: custom mobile design, responsive on all screens, simple SEO optimization, innovative drag & drop builder, fast chat support, lots of clear tutorials.

Technically Showit runs on the best and fastest servers and you do not have to worry about ant technical hassle and updates. So you are in control and are backed up with a ton of support in all kinds of ways.  

How Much Does Showit Cost?

Showit has various subscription levels available starting as low as $19/mo (billed yearly). I recommend the middle tier with a blog at $24/mo (billed yearly) This allows you to make use of the WordPress blog design that’s integrated in your template.


Your Showit subscription includes hosting, backups, a WordPress blog, live chat support, free subdomains, and access to a community full of creative Showit users. All custom blog designs are created with Showit and require an active Showit account.

What Kind of Support Is Offered?

Showit offers tons of ways to contact you if you ever need it. Even live video chats with the team members!

My favorite way to contact Showit is through their live chat. It shows at the bottom of your screen when you are designing and they respond very quickly.

What About SEO?

Showit runs with the latest internet language HTML5. This ensures that everything on your website is perfectly indexed by Google. You can optimize keywords, alt tags, page titles, and the whole shebang! You optimize your WordPress blog with the Yoast SEO plugin. You have all the possibilities to make sure Google is your best friend.

When you purchase a custom website, I will optimize your SEO basics like page title, meta description, and keywords.

Can I Blog With WordPress?

Absolutely! Your WordPress blog will be integrated into your Showit design. This gives you the best of both worlds: the power and flexibility of WordPress and the WOW design of Showit. Showit support experts migrate your existing blog for free!

Can I Add a Shop to My Website?

Showit does not have any built-in shop options (yet). But it is possible to integrate Shopify Lite. Or you can link Showit to Etsy for example, you can link your Showit site to a separate WordPress shop with the WooCommerce plugin, or you can build a shop on your site and use Thrivecart for checkouts.

The best way (and cheapest) in my opinion and how I personally do it is to build my shop on Showit and use Shopify Lite which costs me only $9/month.

FREE Start a Blog on the Right Foot Masterclass
Ready to start your blog the right way, the FIRST time? Sign up to the FREE 60 min masterclass! BONUS: Learn how to brand and design your blog website! 
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How Easy Is It To Learn Showit?

Learning how to design your website on Showit is not as much of a learning curve as learning how to design on WordPress. You will need zero code knowledge to design your blog website.

Best Options for You

Option 1: Learn to Use Showit Yourself

It can be quite easy to learn to use Showit, but it might take you a little while to get used to it. But I promise it’s nowhere near as difficult as learning to blog with WordPress.

Option 2: Take My Stupid Easy Blog Design Showit Course

Stupid Easy Blog Design is an inexpensive, step-by-step course designed to help you set up your new Blog Design within DAYS and without the headache you’d expect from DIYing your own website.

I designed this course specifically so that bloggers can escape the stress and overwhelm of designing their own site.

You can get the Showit course for FREE if you purchase the Blogging Ladies Membership.

Learn more about Stupid Easy Blog Design HERE.

Stupid Easy Blog Design is a Showit Blog Website Design Course that Will help you get your blog up and running in just a few days!

Option 3: Hiring Me To Design a Custom Blog For You

Still not sure you can design a blog by yourself and make it as pretty as you want it to be? Allow me to take it off your shoulders and design a stunning blog for you.

I offer an inexpensive blog design that get’s you branding, up to 10 pages of website design, SEO, logo design, and more.

We will go step by step starting with a free consultation call to see if it’s a good fit for you, a strategy call to go over everything you vision for your blog, the design process, a launch plan strategy call, followed along with launching your blog to the world successfully!

To learn more about my inexpensive custom blog design services, click here.

In Conclusion

Showit is the new, best thing and I highly recommend you pick Showit over WordPress to build your blog website.

I also recommend that you take my Stupid Easy Blog Design Showit course because this will really help you design the blog of your dreams in just a FEW days.

Comment below if you struggled to build a website on WordPress by yourself and what your experience was!




Hey, I'm Genasys!

Blogging coach for ladies who want to turn their blog from passion to profits and make a high income doing what they love.

  1. Brian says:

    Nice. Never heard of showit. It can be difficult to start a blog with no experience, and this helps.

  2. Dane Asmone says:

    Hey there !

    Wish I came across this post earlier.

    Thanks for the recommendation .


  3. Great post! It’s true that everyone out there is promoting WordPress when there are so many other platforms to choose from! Thank you for sharing this!

  4. Aiman says:

    I have a weird reason to still use WordPress. It’s just that I like to learn new things and I know some coding and learning the fact that I’ll get to even use code is exciting as I’ll get to learn new things. ?

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