You Quit Blogging- How to Come Back Strong

You Quit Blogging- How to Come Back Strong

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Blogging seemed so fun to you when you first started. You were so motivated to blog and you were so excited to get it off the ground. You were obsessed! You wrote about what you wanted, you researched furiously on how to make it successful, and you had hope that you could make your blog turn into a passive income powerhouse.

Then the motivation disappeared little by little, you realized that blogging isn’t so easy as it seems to be and maybe it just isn’t for you. Maybe you can’t make money blogging and if you could then it probably wouldn’t be for several years.

So you quit. You no longer felt the desire to work on it. You weren’t as happy with the blog and as excited to blog as you were from the beginning.

Well let me tell you…you are NOT alone! This happens to ALL of us bloggers. Motivation comes and motivation goes. Especially in your first year! You’re trying to learn, grow, and stay on top of things and you work so hard at it in the beginning but when things get hard and you don’t see money, you run!

Girl, I. Get. IT!

This year I decided to take a very long, much-needed break. I lost my motivation to blog and it is okay. I’m okay. My blog isn’t seeing much traffic or income lately but it can grow again.

So I decided to write this blog post for you today to let you know that even successful bloggers take breaks. But what happens when you want to come back to blogging? How do you start all over again? Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Recall Why You Started a Blog

Way way long ago, you were once excited to blog. Can you recall why you decided to start a blog? What made you so excited? What gave you the motivation? Was it Pinterest? Get a piece of paper and write a little reflection.

Now that you have that completed, write your WHY in one sentence. Why are you deciding to re-start and get back to blogging after quitting?

Is it because you want a better life for yourself? You want a hobby? You want to make a lot of money?

Write down your WHY and plant it somewhere that you will read it everyday. I like to put it as my background photo on my PC and I always write it in my journal everyday. I am constantly reminding myself why I decided to start my blog and you should too!

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Knowing your why and looking at it daily doesn’t only help with the motivation to blog, but it also helps you with what direction you want to take.

Do you want to make a lot of money? Then the direction you need to take is creating products, courses, eBooks, and focusing most of your time on money generating activities.

Step 2: Is it Time to Rebrand?

Maybe what drove your lack of motivation is because you don’t love your blog as much as you used to. You hate the design, you hate the colors, and you hate your blog posts. Or maybe you have zero branding and design skills and you don’t even know where to start.

In order to consistently blog, you have to love it and if you don’t love what you’re writing about, if you don’t love your blogs design and brand then maybe you need to re-think everything and rebrand.

For example, when I rebranded my blog in 2020, I decided to niche down and talk about only blogging. Which was great but I missed being able to talk about other things like selfcare, cleaning, and other lifestyle topics. Now I realize that I can talk about both! Bloggers need selfcare ideas and cleaning tips too!

Having a brand you love is key, and if your no brand and website designer, then this can become pretty difficult (especially when dealing with WordPress- UGH!) Maybe you just need a little help.

No worries boss lady, you know I got you! I’ve created a course that is designed to teach you how to design the blog of your dreams. You might not have enough money to hire a brand and website designer, but if you can spare $20 to buy a course- then do I have your attention?

Introducing Stupid Easy Blog Design- a course that is designed to help you build the blog website design of your dreams and hint hint- its STUPID EASY. It takes you step by step to designing a stunning blog website that you will love.

And guess what? You can get the course for FREE! Check out how to get it for FREE by clicking HERE. I promise it’s not too good to be true.

Step 3: Update Old Blog Posts First

I know, I know, writing new blog posts is fun and all but if you took a long break, you need to update those old blog posts first.

As time goes by, we change and we become different. Blog posts that we wrote 5 months ago might not sound like how we write now. So go back to each post, read through it, correct mistakes, update dates, change up sentences, and make them better! Also check them for SEO.

Updating old posts may seem like a hassle but just try and simplify it by doing one post a day or even one post a week. Just inch your way in. As long as you update frequently, you should be good.

Step 4: Say Hi On Social Media

5 months in social media time is like 2 years, I swear….so it might be a good idea to get on your social media platforms and say hi. Give them the inside scoop of your life over the past (however long you quit blogging for).

Plan out all of you social media posts ahead of time. This is my secret to Instagram. Pick one day a week to work on your Instagram content. I choose Wednesdays. On the specific day you chose, write all of your Instagram posts for the week that is coming up. I even like to write 2-3 weeks ahead.

If you post on Instagram 3 times a week, thats only 6 posts you need to write to be 2 weeks ahead. Isn’t that genious?

Want to know my secret for Instagram stories, too? I also film my Instagram stories once a week as well. I chose different outfits, change my hair a couple times, and pre-film everything ahead of time. This way I don’t have to do my makeup everyday just to film and I can focus on more important tasks like promoting content and engaging with others.

Step 5: Write Your First Blog Post

Now it’s time to write your very first blog post since you quit blogging. What do you want to write about? If you have no idea, then sit down, get a pen and paper and look on Pinterest to get blog post ideas.

Whenever I’m feeling unmotivated and uninspired, I checkout Pinterest and make a list of all the protentional posts I could write. It takes my motivation to several levels up!

If you don’t know how to write a good blog post, then sign up to my free resource library below. You will find an entire eBook dedicated to writing the best blog posts that your audience will read and love.

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Step 6: Write an Email to your List!

Let your email subscribers know that you are back and ready to roll. Drop them a little link to your new blog post and make sure to write a captivating email subject line to pull them back in.

Your email list is so important. The money is in the list. Even if you only have a couple subscribers, you will want to still send out the email.

You might get a few unsubscribes! Don’t fret! People may just not be interested in the subject you talk about anymore. It’s best to have people on your list who love your content anyways.

Read my full guide on how to start and use your email list as a blogger.

RELATED: How to Start an Email List

Step 7: Stay Consistent!

Consistency is key. It really is true. You will only become a successful blogger if you can stay consistent which is why I love using theme days to plan out my blogging week.

  • Sunday- Pinterest Pins
  • Monday- Email List
  • Tuesday- IG Posts and Stories
  • Wednesday- Blog Post Writing
  • Friday- Creation day (courses, eBooks, etc.)
  • Saturday- Promote like crazy

Each day is designed to give only one task to focus on instead of cramming it all into a day. This is my success secret!

Well there you have it! That’s how you come back strong after you quit blogging. It’s never too late to come back. You can still make it successful.

If you need any help or have any questions, email me at


Hey, I'm Genasys!

Blogging coach for ladies who want to turn their blog from passion to profits and make a high income doing what they love.

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