Is Having a Self Hosted Site Builder a Must? (A Blog Coach’s Advice)

Is Having a Self Hosted Site Builder a Must? (A Blog Coach’s Advice)

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As a blog coach, I am often asked whether having a self-hosted site builder is a must. My answer is no. While self-hosting has been the norm for a long time, it’s not the only option available. In fact, there are several alternatives that can provide the same or even better results, such as Showit.


The myth of self-hosted website necessity has been perpetuated for years. Many believe that self-hosting is the only way to have full control over your website, but this is simply not true.

While self-hosting platforms like do offer more control, it comes at a cost. It requires more technical knowledge like coding, maintenance, and security measures. It’s also extremely difficult to build a stunning website that is designed for CONVERSIONS in 2024, which is needed.

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Unless you hire a WordPress designer, I can almost guarantee that 1. You’ll struggle to DIY it yourself. OR 2. You won’t have a standout design that you desire and need in 2024.

Showit, on the other hand, is a user-friendly platform that allows you to design your website without needing to know how to code.

As a blog coach, I recommend Showit to my clients who are looking for a superior alternative to self-hosting like

Showit offers a drag-and-drop design interface that is easy to use and customize. It also provides excellent customer support and a community of users who are always willing to help.

With Showit, you can focus on creating content and growing your blog without worrying about the technical aspects of website management. You will also see A LOT more success with your blog because branding and website design aesthetic is the trend for 2024.


Key Takeaways

  • Self-hosting is not the only option for creating a website.
  • Showit is a user-friendly platform that offers a drag-and-drop design interface and excellent customer support.
  • By using Showit, you can focus on creating content and growing your blog without worrying about the technical aspects of website management.

The Myth of Self-Hosted Site Builder Necessity

As a blog coach, I often hear the myth that having a self-hosted site builder like is an absolute must. However, this is simply not true. While self-hosted websites have their benefits, they are not the only option available.

One of the biggest advantages of a self-hosted website is that you have complete control over your site. You can customize it to your heart’s content and add any features you need. However, this level of control comes with a steep learning curve and requires a lot of technical knowledge like coding.

If you do not know how to code and if you do not have enough money to hire a website designer, you will most likely not be able to design a stunning website that converts through

And trust me, I know what I’m saying. The amount of lady bloggers who book a discovery with me simply because they are struggling to design their site on WordPress, is insane.

Infact the main reason they often book a call is not JUST to hire a blog coach, but because I offer them a way OUT of the design struggle.

On the other hand, using a platform like Showit allows you to create a beautiful, professional-looking website without any coding or technical skills. Showit also offers excellent customer support and a wide range of templates and design options to choose from. When you choose to self host on WordPress, you don’t get ANY customer service support.

Another argument in favor of self-hosted websites is that they are more secure. While it is true that self-hosted websites give you more control over security, this does not mean that other platforms are inherently less secure. Showit, for example, provides SSL encryption and regular backups to ensure your site is safe from hackers and data loss.

And I know, there are a millon bajillion articles out there telling you to “self-host on WordPress” bla bla bla. But this is SO OUTDATED news. Just check out how many successful business owners have decided to move their website to Showit!

It’s not like you’re even sacrificing WordPress anyway when choosing Showit. The coolest thing about it is that it integrates with WordPress! Amazing right? You have the best of both worlds. You write your content in WordPress and design a stunning website with Showit. It seriously can’t get any better than that.

In conclusion, while self-hosted websites have their TINY benefits, they are not a necessity. There are other options available that can provide you with a beautiful, functional website without the steep learning curve and technical skills required for self-hosting.

If you are looking for a user-friendly, secure, and customizable platform, Showit is an excellent choice.

<<<Get a free 30 day Trial to Showit by clicking here!>>>

Showit: A Superior Alternative

As a blog coach, I often get asked whether having a self-hosted website is a must. While there are certainly benefits to self-hosting, I believe that Showit is a superior alternative that provides all the advantages of self-hosting without the drawbacks.

Ease of Use

One of the biggest advantages of Showit is its ease of use. Unlike self-hosted site builders that require technical knowledge to set up and maintain, Showit is a drag-and-drop website builder that is incredibly user-friendly. With Showit, you don’t need to worry about coding or server management. Instead, you can focus on creating a beautiful website that reflects your brand.

Like I said above, I know how many blog posts of gurus telling you to make sure you’re using “” YIKES. It’s really outdated information.

Do the research on Showit yourself and see that the TOP BUSINESS OWNERS are using Showit including Jenna Kutcher (who is a TOP blogger & business owner). That should be your proof of how amazing it is.

Design Flexibility

Another advantage of Showit is its design flexibility. With Showit, you have complete creative control over your website. You can customize every aspect of your site, from the layout to the fonts to the colors.

Showit also offers a wide range of templates and add-ons that you can use to make your website even more unique. Whether you’re a blogger, a business owner, or an artist, Showit allows you to create a website that truly represents you.

If you’re a blogger and you’ve tried your HARDEST to build your DREAM blog website on WordPress, you probably know how almost impossible that is. You also know that WordPress is SO FRUSTRAITING UGH.

My advice as a blogging coach of 7 years? USE SHOWIT. It’s so simple. You don’t even have to pay for it upfront when you use my Free 30 Day Trial. You can always just try it out and if you don’t like it? You can cancel.

It is kind of a learning curve still. BUT there are SO many tutorials on Showit that you can find on Youtube. I also have a Showit website design course inside of The Bloggers Profit Path– my membership for lady bloggers.

Comparing Site Builders

As a blog coach, I get asked a lot about which website platform is the best. While there are many options out there, I have found that Showit is the best choice for bloggers who want a professional-looking website without the hassle of self-hosting. In this section, I will compare Showit to three other popular website platforms: WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix.

Showit vs. WordPress

WordPress is a popular choice for bloggers because it is free and customizable. However, it requires self-hosting, which can be a headache for those who are not tech-savvy and have ZERO code knowledge.

Showit, on the other hand, is a drag-and-drop website builder that does not require any coding or self-hosting. It also offers a variety of FREE templates and design options to choose from.

I recommend you purchase a template from Tonic Site Shop OR Northfolk. These can be quite expensive but go big or go home, right?

While WordPress has a larger community and more plugins available, Showit has a dedicated support team that can help you with any issues you may have.

Additionally, Showit offers seamless integration with WordPress for those who want to use WordPress for their blog so you literally get the BEST of both worlds.

I wouldn’t be recommending Showit if I didn’t truly believe in it.

Showit vs. Squarespace

Squarespace is another popular website platform that offers templates and drag-and-drop design. However, it can be limiting in terms of customization and does not offer as many design options as Showit.

Showit also offers more flexibility in terms of design and layout. With Showit, you can create a unique website that stands out from the crowd. Additionally, Showit offers seamless integration with WordPress for those who want to still use WordPress for their blog to write posts.

I’ve personally tried Squarespace for my blogs website, too but once I found Showit, it AMAZED me so I became my own Showit Blog Website Designer.

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Showit vs. Wix

Wix is a popular website builder that offers a variety of templates and design options. However, it can be limiting in terms of customization and does not offer as many design options as Showit. WIx is NOT a platform I would EVER recommend to bloggers who are looking to ACTUALLY monetize their blog.

Showit also offers more flexibility in terms of design and layout. With Showit, you can create a unique website that stands out from the crowd. Additionally, Showit offers seamless integration with WordPress for those who want to use WordPress for their blog.

Overall, Showit is a great choice for bloggers who want a professional-looking website without the hassle of self-hosting. With its drag-and-drop website builder and variety of templates and design options, Showit offers flexibility and customization that other website platforms cannot match.

And with Showit? I’ve seen that it has helped me AND my blog coaching clients to make even more money, since the design of your blog and structure is super important for SEO and branding purposes.

Case Studies: Successful Showit Users

I have personally worked with several clients who have seen great success with their Showit websites. One of my clients, a wedding photographer, saw a significant increase in inquiries and bookings after switching to Showit. The customizable design allowed her to showcase her unique style and brand, setting her apart from competitors. Additionally, the integration with WordPress made it easy for her to blog and improve her SEO.

Another client, a lifestyle blogger, saw a 30% increase in website traffic after switching to Showit. The drag-and-drop interface allowed her to easily create a visually stunning website that kept visitors engaged. The integration with social media also helped her grow her following and increase engagement on her platforms.

Finally, a small business owner saw a 50% increase in online sales after switching to Showit. The e-commerce capabilities allowed her to easily sell her products online, while the customizable design helped her create a brand that resonated with her target audience.

Overall, these case studies demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of Showit for a variety of industries and purposes. With its user-friendly interface and customizable design options, Showit is a great option for anyone looking to create a professional and effective website without the hassle of self-hosting.

Final Thoughts on Self Hosted Site Builders: Embracing Change and Innovation

As a blogger, I understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. Embracing change and innovation is crucial for any blogger who wants to stay relevant and competitive in the ever-evolving world with beautifully stunning website designs and brands.

And if you’re someone who wants to ride the trendy train, then switch ASAP to Showit or let me do it for you.

Even though there is a famous saying, “Content is King”… branding and website design are too.

The saying “Content is King” stresses how important good information is. But, for people to notice and trust the information, having a well-designed website and a strong brand is also crucial. It’s like having a great story (content) in a beautifully wrapped package (design and branding) – both parts are essential for a powerful blog that has traffic and makes money.

Genasys at Boss Lady Bloggers

While having a self-hosted site builder can be a good option for some bloggers, it’s not necessarily a must-have. There are many other platforms out there, such as Showit, that offer a more user-friendly and customizable experience without the need for technical expertise.

Innovation is not just about using the latest tools or technologies, but also about finding new and creative ways to engage with your audience. Whether it’s through social media, email marketing, or other channels, bloggers must be willing to experiment and adapt to the changing needs and preferences of their readers.

In conclusion, while having a self-hosted site builder may have been the norm in the past, it’s no longer the only option available. By embracing change and innovation, bloggers can find new and exciting ways to connect with their audience and stay ahead of the curve.

Hey, I'm Genasys!

Blogging coach for ladies who want to turn their blog from passion to profits and make a high income doing what they love.

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