4 Easy and Creative Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

4 Easy and Creative Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

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One of my favorite things about blogging is that there are several different ways that you can repurpose blog content. 

Bloggers do so many different things on a daily basis and the main thing they do is create several types of content like blog posts, Instagram posts, Facebook posts, emails, landing pages, sale pages, etc. 

When I first started blogging I didn’t know that I could take my blog post content and repurpose it into many different ways so that I could save a lot of time. 

If you’re creating different content for your blog, email marketing, Instagram and other platforms then you, my friend, are wasting a ton of time and you’re making things harder on yourself. There is an easier way which is what I’m going to show you in this blog post.

What is Content Repurposing?

Repurposing content means transforming one piece of existing content into several different other pieces of content. 

For example, I could take one blog post and transform it into a podcast episode by simply reading the blog post out loud. Therefore, I will not only reach the blog audience but I will also reach the podcast audience. 

I could also take that blog post and turn it into an email by copying the first couple paragraphs of my blog post and paste it as an email with a link to read the entire blog post. 

There are SO many benefits to this and SO many ways to do it. One thing is for sure though… repurposing content can save you a lot of time and energy and it can be a solution to show up on several different platforms without burning yourself out.

Even if you don’t have a ton of blog posts written and published on your website, you can still begin to repurpose your content even with just one blog post created. You should make this a regular part of your content marketing strategy. 

It might take some time to figure out the right marketing platforms that you want to repurpose content for, and how to repurpose it, but the good thing about it is that the hard work is already done once you write a blog post. 

The main idea is to take that one piece of content that you have already worked so hard on, update and change its structure and then post it elsewhere to reach a new audience and bring more people to the full blog post.

Ways to Repurpose Blog Content

1. Turn it into an Email

The first way that you can start repurposing your blog content is by turning it into an email. 

As a blogger, it is extremely important to provide freebies on your blog website, get email subscribers, and send out weekly emails to your email list. 

But the one question I get from my blog coaching clients and my blogging students is “what the heck do I send to my email list?”

Well that’s super easy to answer! Just copy the first few paragraphs of your blog post and paste it into an email. Then, at the end of the email put a link to “Read more”. If they want to read the entire blog post, all they have to do is click the link and it takes them there.

This is just one email idea out of several that you can use to send to your email list on a weekly basis. 

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2. Turn it into a Podcast Episode

Reading a blog post out loud in a microphone and uploading it as a podcast is the easiest way you can reach a new and larger audience. 

The blog post has already been written and published, so why not just turn it into a podcast episode so you can attract more potential blog readers, followers, customers, etc. 

You can even start a podcast for FREE by using anchor.com. It’s a simple, free, and super easy to use platform. 

I highly recommend that you get a Blue Yetti microphone to record your episodes, a pop filter from Amazon to have good sound, use anchor.com to record, and then use a free editing software like Divinci Resolve to edit your episodes if you need.

Podcasting may be a tiny learning curve but I think every blogger needs to be implementing this in their content marketing strategy for 2021. 

After publishing your episode, you can also embed your recorded podcast right in the beginning of your blog post just in case someone wants to listen instead of read. This is a great way of making blog readers stay more engaged and stay for a longer duration on your website which is super good for SEO purposes.

3. Turn it into a Video

The list wouldn’t be full if I didn’t mention video content because each blog post on your website can be repurposed into some sort of video. 

Simply talk about the main points that you provide in your article and share it on YouTube or Instagram IGTV. 

I know a lot of people don’t like to be seen on camera, but trust me when I say that it’s WORTH it. Videos help build the like, know, and trust factor which is extremely important for your blog readers to want to buy from you, your affiliate links, and most importantly, sign up to your email list and follow you. 

So what does the like, know, and trust factor mean?

Before someone buys from you they need to…

LIKE you

KNOW you

And TRUST you.

Video is the absolute best way to build this up so your audience wants to purchase what you have to offer.

Check out how I implement this strategy on my blog posts HERE!

4. Turn it into a Social Media Post

Most bloggers don’t utilize social media to their advantage as much as they should and they don’t even think about turning blog content into an easy Instagram, Facebook, Linked in, Twitter, etc. post.

Tweak and update the blog post a little bit to be a little shorter for social media, create a creative graphic on Canva or a pretty picture of yourself and hit publish. 

Then you can link the blog post in your bio where it says “website” and at the end of your social media post you can say… “Head to the link in my bio if you would like to read the entire blog post.”

This is a great way to bring your audience from social media to your blog, and from your blog to purchase your affiliate links and products that you sell. 

So that’s why repurposing content is the best thing ever, how to do it, and why you should. These are just 4 of the many different ways you can take a blog post and turn it into other pieces of content to save time and energy. 

Have any questions? Head to the contact page to ask and I’ll respond super quick!

Comment below and tell me the ways you like to repurpose your blog content.


Hey, I'm Genasys!

Blogging coach for ladies who want to turn their blog from passion to profits and make a high income doing what they love.

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