Start a Blog With Our Signature Service:

The Ultimate Combo of Brand Design, Website Design, and 6 Months of Blog Coaching

Congratulations on Taking the First Step Toward Your Dream Blog!

You're here because you’re ready to create something extraordinary—a blog that stands out, captivates your audience, and ultimately, becomes profitable.

but there's one thing holding you back from making this happen for you... 

Your Blogs Website.

My signature service is crafted specifically for aspiring lady bloggers who demand nothing but the best. 

Combining top-notch brand design, stunning website design, and six months of dedicated blog coaching...

 this is the ultimate package to ensure your blog is not just beautiful but also highly effective and profitable.

I understand the challenges that come with starting a blog. The endless questions:

Where do I begin?

How do I stand out?

What if my blog never makes money?

With my combination service, every aspect of your blog’s creation and growth is covered.

blog strategy and messaging

blog brand design including logos, images, colors, typography, etc.

fully customized blog website design

6 months of blog coaching where we work together to setup offers, freebies, pinterest, writing blogs, seo, you name it!

The Three Pillars of Your Successful Blog


Custom Brand Design

Your brand is the soul of your blog. It’s what makes you unique and memorable. Together, we’ll create a brand that reflects your voice, vision, and values.

Benefits of Custom Brand Design:

  • Stand Out from the Crowd: A unique brand identity ensures you’re not lost in the sea of blogs.
  • Build Trust and Credibility: A professional brand establishes trust with your audience from the get-go.
  • Create Emotional Connections: Your brand will resonate with your readers on a deeper level, encouraging loyalty and engagement.


Stunning Website Design

A beautifully designed website is your blog’s home, and first impressions matter. I’ll design a website that’s not only gorgeous but also user-friendly and optimized for conversions.

Benefits of a Stunning Website Design:

  • Capture Attention Immediately: An aesthetically pleasing site keeps visitors engaged.
  • Enhance User Experience: Easy navigation ensures your readers can find what they’re looking for effortlessly.
  • Optimize for Conversions: Strategically placed calls to action will guide your visitors to subscribe, share, and buy.


Six Months of Blog Coaching

Truth is, there are so many things you need to learn and implement as a new blogger. Having a blogging coach ensures that you take action step by step and do things right from the start, saving you time, money, and a lot of headaches in the long run. With my blog coaching services, you won't have to guess what comes next or worry about making costly mistakes. I’ll provide you with a clear roadmap, personalized guidance, and the accountability you need to stay on track and achieve your blogging goals.

Benefits of Blog Coaching:

  • Personalized Guidance: Tailored strategies that align with your goals and niche, ensuring you’re always moving in the right direction.
  • Accountability: Regular check-ins to keep you motivated and on track, so you never feel lost or overwhelmed.
  • Expert Advice: Practical tips and insights from someone who’s been in the trenches and knows what works, helping you avoid common pitfalls and stay ahead of the curve.

Having a blogging coach means you’re not alone in this journey. You’ll have someone in your corner, cheering you on, answering your questions, and helping you turn your blog into a profitable, thriving business.

This isn’t just my most popular offer for no reason. 

Aspiring lady bloggers like you choose this service because it provides everything needed to launch a successful, profitable blog. You’ll get the expertise, support, and tools necessary to make your blog a standout success.

Here’s why so many ambitious bloggers rave about this service:

  • Comprehensive Support: From concept to launch, I cover every detail to ensure your blog shines.
  • Tailored Strategies: Customized plans to fit your unique vision and goals.
  • Professional Quality: Your blog will look and feel top-notch, building credibility and engagement.
  • Long-Term Success: Equip yourself with the skills for continuous growth and monetization.
  • Accountability and Motivation: Regular coaching sessions keep you focused and driven.
  • Problem-Solving: Quickly navigate challenges with expert guidance.

Choosing this service means investing in a powerful platform that can transform your life and career. Let’s make your blog a standout success together!

Meet Genasys 

Blogging Coach, Website Designer, Founder of Boss Lady Bloggers

...aka your new blogging coach BFF ready to collaborate with you in transforming your passions into a wildly successful blogging business. During those moments of doubt about turning your blog into a success, I'll be right there by your side, holding your hand and reminding you that if I could do it, so can you. I'll guide you every step of the way.

more about me

My Signature Blog Coaching + Design Service

Let's build a blog that wows your audience from day one.

Let my experience handle the technicalities so you can focus on what truly matters - your message.